Chapter 12

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As I closed the front door behind me, the sound echoed through the silent house. The darkness enveloped me, but I noticed a faint light coming from the kitchen. I took a deep breath and made my way towards it. As I approached, I saw my mother sitting at the dining table, her hair unbrushed and her eyes filled with worry.

"Mama?" I said, breaking the silence. She looked up at me and blinked as if she couldn't believe I was standing there.

"Amica," she breathed out, her voice filled with exhaustion.

"I'm sorry," I pleaded, feeling guilty for making her worry.

She shot up from the table as anger seemed to spark through her body.

"Ma che ti prende?" She hissed, her tone harsh and bitter. I held my breath, waiting for her to continue. "It's 3 am Amica! You were supposed to take Mateus Dolcetto o scherzetto-ing at 8."

"I know, I just thought that Emma would take her instead," I replied meekly.

"Mio Dio!" My mother yelled out in frustration. "Emma was at work!"

"I'm sorry," I whispered, knowing there was nothing I could say to defend myself.

"Mateus didn't get to go out," she hissed, taking a step closer to me. "And where were you? And what are you wearing?!"

"I- I was hanging out with friends," I stammered.

"Basta con queste stronzate! How dare you lie to your mother," she threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "I know you were off with some boy," she glared at me.

"No, mama, I swear-"

"You," She hissed, "Are a disappointment of a daughter. I wish you were like your sister, but no, you're exactly like your auntie. Off having sex with random boys. You're a puttana, that's what you are."

My breath - my breath hitched - And




"Vai nella tua dannata stanza! Non voglio più vederti," she screamed, her voice filled with anger and disappointment. My eyes widened as tears welled up in them. I turned away and stalked up to my room as she told me to, feeling guilty and ashamed for disappointing my mother.

The door to mine and Emma's room creaked open. I stood at the foot of the entryway, my eyes meeting Emma's as she looked up from her book. She stared at me through her reading glasses. The room was dimly lit with Emma's lamp standing beside her bed. She placed a bookmark between the pages and shut it.

"I was waiting for you," She murmured, her voice filling the room. I walked over to my bed and sat down across from her. It was silent, other than the slight humming of the fan overhead. My mind was running with thoughts, but the main thing was how mad I was at Emma. How is she so damn perfect?

"I saw the videos." She whispered to me.

My heart sank at Emma's words. The memory of the embarrassing videos from the Halloween party flooded back into my mind, making my cheeks burn with shame. Natalia's drunken antics, caught on camera, had spread like wildfire amongst our classmates, and I felt exposed and humiliated. Emma's expression was unreadable as she watched me closely, waiting for my reaction. I struggled to find the words to explain or defend myself, feeling a mix of anger and hurt at Natalia's betrayal and my foolishness for letting it happen.

"I...I didn't know she was going to do that," I finally mumbled, my voice barely above a whisper.

Emma's eyes softened, and she reached out to gently grasp my hand. "You don't have to explain, Amica. I know Natalia can be impulsive and thoughtless sometimes," she said, her tone comforting.

Tears stung my eyes, and I felt a lump form in my throat. "It's just...everyone at school is going to see those videos. I'll never live it down," I admitted, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Emma squeezed my hand reassuringly. "I know it feels like the end of the world right now, but this will pass. People will move on to the next scandal soon enough," she said, offering a small smile in an attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere. I sniffled, trying to compose myself. Emma's unwavering support and understanding were a small comfort in the midst of the chaos and drama that had engulfed my life. I hated myself for hating her. I leaned in and hugged her tightly, grateful for her presence even in my darkest moments. "I can't do this anymore, Emma," I finally muttered, my voice trembling with emotion. "I'm tired of feeling like a disappointment all the time."

Emma held me close, offering comfort and support amid my turmoil. The weight of my mother's harsh words and the public humiliation from the videos felt like a heavy burden on my shoulders, and I longed for a reprieve from the constant pressure and judgment.

"I know it's hard, Amica. But you're not a disappointment, and you're stronger than you think," Emma murmured, her voice filled with sisterly love and understanding.

I exhaled shakily, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me. Shame, guilt, anger, and a deep sense of sadness weighed heavily on my heart, threatening to drown me in their depths. I clung to Emma, seeking solace in her presence, knowing that she was the one constant in my ever-changing world.

"You're not alone, Amica. We'll get through this together," Emma reassured me, her words a soothing balm to my troubled soul. As I let out a shaky breath, a sense of resignation washed over me. The events of the night had unearthed deep wounds and insecurities that I had long buried. I looked into Emma's eyes, gratitude and love shining in my own.

"Thank you, Em. I don't know what I would do without you," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion.

Emma smiled softly, her eyes reflecting the bond that tied us together as sisters. "We're in this together, always," she said, her tone unwavering and full of determination.

As we sat in the quiet of our room, the gentle hum of the fan providing a sense of peace and calm, I felt a flicker of strength ignite within me. I closed my eyes, allowing the warmth of Emma's embrace to envelop me, and for the first time that night, a sense of peace settled over me, reassuring me that no matter what obstacles life threw my way, I had a sister who would always stand by my side, ready to catch me when I stumbled and lift me up when I fell.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 07 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

The Olive Theoryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें