3 - truth or dare!!

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Shuichis POV

after kokichi sent that message, I decided to head to the dining hall. I haven't played truth or dare since I was a little kid, I wonder how it's gonna go.
I arrived at the dining hall and everyone was already there.
"Ah! Am I late?"
"Don't worry, we all just got here!" Kaede replied.
"Uhm, gonta still don't know what truth or dare is.."
Kokichi opened his mouth about to say something but kaede put her hand over his mouth.
"Don't worry, I'll explain it! Basically someone has to ask another person 'truth or dare?' and if the person picks truth, then the person who asked them has to ask them a question, and they have to answer truthfully. If the person picks dare, then the person who asked them has to give them a random action to do, and you have to do it!"
After kaede finished speaking she finally took her hand off of kokichis mouth
"Jeez, kaede, rude!! I didn't even do anything!"
"I knew you were about to insult gonta, like you ALWAYS do!"
"Uhm, are we gonna start or not?" Said Rantaro, walking up to the scene.
"Oh, right! EVERYONE! SIT DOWN ON THE FLOOR AND FORM A CIRCLE!!" yelled kokichi.
"If you asked us to meet in the dining hall, why not just sit at the table?" Asked ryoma, and honestly it was a good question
"Aww, that just takes the fun away! We would be all far apart from eachother! But I know you don't like fun, so whatever!"
Ryoma didn't say anything but just glared at kokichi for a moment before sitting down with the rest of us
"So, who's gonna go first?" Asked kaede
"I will! Himiko, truth or dare!" Said tenko, eagerly turning towards himiko who was sitting next to her
"...nyeh? Oh, uhm... Truth, doing a dare is a pain..."
"Okay, soooo, do you have a crush on anyone??" Tenko started blushing as she said it
Tenko looked dejected and looked away from himiko
"Uhm, alright himiko, you have to ask a person truth or dare now!" Said kaede, facing himiko
"Uhhhhh...... rantaro! Truth or dare?"
"Hmmm, truth!"
"Is it true you don't remember your ultimate talent?"
"Uh, yeah? Why would I lie about that?"
"...okay, uhm, kokichi truth or dare?"
"Hmmm, dare, obviously!"
"I dare you to not drink grape panta for 2 days!"
"What!!!?? Ugh, fine... Gonta! Truth or dare?"
"Uhh... Gonta pick.....truth?"
"Ugh, your so lame Gonta!! Only lame people pick truth!"
"R-really? Sorry.."
"Stop messing with him kokichi! Don't worry Gonta, you can pick truth if you want to!"
"Uhm, okay.."
"Fine, fine.... Alright then! Gonta, do you haaaaaate bugs?"
"W-what? No! Gonta love bugs!"
"Awww well that's a shame, I was hoping you would be able to relate to me~"
"Wait, does kokichi......hate bugs?"
"Oh God..." I whispered, kokichi made Gonta angry..
"Welp, it wasnt nice knowing you kokichi!" Said kaede
"Whaaaaattt? No!! I loooove bugs!"
"...oh! Then you fine! No bad person likes bugs"
Kokichi was visibly sweating, Gonta must've really scared him
"Okay Gonta, now you ask someone else truth or dare!"
"Okay, uhm...... Angie! Truth or dare?"
"Hmmm...... Atua says to pick dare!"
"Now you give her a random action to do! Make it something that she might refuse, like licking the floor or something!" Kaede explained to Gonta, I'm glad she's so nice to him
"Uhm, okay..... Angie....uh...."
I saw kaede lean over to Gonta and whisper something in his ear
"......Gonta dare you to get kokichi to learn more about Atua?" Finished Gonta, with kaede giggling next to him
"Wait, what?" Said kokichi, surprised
"Ah, kokichi wants to know more about Atua, does he? Alright then! After we finish this game I'll have you come over to my dorm and you can learn aaaall about him!"
Kokichi looked terrified, which made me laugh. It's good to see him get humbled so quickly
"Alright then! Hmmm......Ryoma, truth or dare?"
"Alright then! Is it really true that you killed that Mafia?"
"Angie!" Said kaede, all of us were surprised that she asked that
"Yes, it's true.." ryoma finally replied, and angie looked satisfied
"How interesting!"
"....shuichi, truth or dare?"
I jumped a little when I heard my name, but i suppose it was time for me anyways. A lot of people have picked truth so i decided to pick dare
"Ah, dare"
"I dare you to have kaede teach you how to play the piano"
I saw kaede look at me, early taken aback when she was brought up, but she just gave me a soft smile, and i nodded
"I can teach you after this game is over!"
Kaede said, she smiled warmly at me, all tensions forgotten
"Ah, well alright! I look forward to it! ....hmmm, Tsumugi, truth or dare?"
"Ah, I'm surprised you picked me! Especially since I'm so plain.. but I pick dare!"
Ah-! I hadn't really thought of a dare!
"I dare you to......"
Then I decided, why not humble kokichi some more?
"I dare you to dress kokichi up as your favorite anime girl!"
I heard kaede burst out laughing, and kokichi look dumbfounded
"Wait, what? First the Atua thing now this?!?"
"Ahaha!! I would love to!"
"This game keeps getting worse..." Mumbled kokichi, I started laughing with kaede
"Alright! Tenko, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Said tenko eagerly
Tsumugis started giggling, and I wondered what she was about to say
"I dare you to kiss the person on your right!"
Tenkos eyes immediately widened, she looked to her right where himiko was, and started blushing
"Thats- uh, I c-cant-!"
"Come ooooonnn, do it!!"
Tsumugi started chanting 'do it' which was followed by kokichi, and then Angie, the rest of us stayed quiet
"I, uh.."
Himiko looked surprised, but she hasn't said anything
Suddenly, tenko grabbed himikos shoulders and looked down into her eyes, himiko let out a 'nyeh' of surprise
She was cut off as tenko leaned down and kissed her, I heard Tsumugi and Angie cheering. Tenko pulled her face away from himiko and her whole face was red, so was himikos
"Lesbians! Yeah!" Cheered Angie, who was sitting to the right of himiko
"Uhm, what is a 'lesbian'?" Asked gonta, which kaede once again leaned into his ear and whispered something
"Oh, okay! Good for tenko!"
I looked at tenko who was now laying on the floor, whole face red, and.....nose bleeding?
"Tenko, your such a simp!" Kokichi said, doing his iconic laugh. Himiko had said nothing, but she was burying her face in her hands, clearly trying to hide her blush
"Well, I think tenko is incapable of talking right now, so I'll ask someone for her!" Said Tsumugi, still giggling from witnessing tenko kiss himiko
"Kaito, truth or dare?"
"Dare obviously!"
"Okay! I dare you to slap kokichi!"
"What? Oh come on!"
Kaito got up and walked over to where kokichi was, slapping him across the face
"You deserve it!"
Kaito walked back to where he was sitting next to maki, and sat back down
"Anyways, maki roll, truth or dare?"
"One, don't call me that. And two, truth"
"Reaaalllyyyy? I would've expected you to pick daaareee!" Said kokichi, sitting up and rubbing his face where kaito slapped it
".......do you wanna die?"
"Jeez, so serious all the time!"
"Anyways, maki roll, is it true that your really the ultimate assassin?"
Maki looked annoyed by kaito calling her Maki roll, and by the question, but she just nodded
"...miu, truth or dare?"
"Dare, obviously you fuckin dumbass!!"
"I dare you to compliment all of us"
"Well shit, this is gonna be hard... Guess I'll start with Keebo! Keebo, you have......really nice places ...for me to perform maintenance on... Uh, Tsumugi, I guess your cosplays are cool? Gonta, I bet you have a big dick so that's cool! Tenko, I think it's cool how you like women, uh, lesbians rock! Angie, your art is cool, I guess.... Kaede, you may have small titties, but your paino skills are pretty cool. Rantaro, your hair color is cool and that's about it. Himiko, uhhhhhh I guess I like how you just are quiet, you just stay shutting the fuck up! Shuichi, your detecting skills are useful, kirumi, you cook for everyone and your also a milf so that's awesome! Maki, you turned like 1000x hotter when we found out you were an assassin, super badass. Kaito, uhhhhh, you have shuichi as your sidekick?.... Uh ...... Ryoma, you've murdered before! Super badass! Korekiyo, your voice is pretty hot, I guess? And....ugh. kokichi. SOMETIMES, your funny."
After that she sighed, and we all looked at each other, I guess her compliments were.....nice?
"Whatever! Keebo, last person, truth or dare?"
"Uhm, truth?"
"Alright! Is it true that you like me performing maintenance on you?"
Miu slightly blushes as she said that
"Uhm, yeah? You give me new functions and clean me, so I'm thankful for it"
"Awesome!!! So you like having sex with me??"
"That's- ......not the same...."
We had finally asked everyone truth or dare, and we all said goodbye to each other before going to our own places. Wait! I was supposed to meet kaede so she can teach me piano! I remembered that that was my dare, and I smiled at the thought of kaede teaching me some of her piano skills

                           Piano girly 🎹🩷
                            Hey, are we still meeting up?


                                         Cool, I'll be there in 5!

I shut off my phone and smiled, I headed back to my dorm and got ready to meet up with kaede. After I finished I walked out of my dorm and made my way to the music room.                     

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