The message

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(If there's any spelling mistakes or anything my badd.. I didn't get a chance to reread and look at everything)

Now you probably wondering what happens the next day. Lemme tell you now its nothing spectacular. I practically went on about my day the same always. I woke up brushed my teeth, washed my face and got ready for the day. I didn't eat breakfast because not eating breakfast was normal to me. It was rare that I ever did. Anyways fast forward I get to school. Instead of going to breakfast I just sat in the pac. Then when the bell rang I went to class. First I had math it was slight it was easy. And i loved my math teacher so i just overall enjoyed class. Talked to paige and went on about my day. The rest of my day went the same. I talked to my friends. Skipped class in the bathroom. Made tik toks on my phone and more. So I guess you could say my day was pretty boring. But also pretty normal. But what wasn't normal was what happened when I got in the car to go home that day and lemme explain why.

I walking towards the car area I was walking with Alanna and Akshuar. I hope thats you spell his name i haven't talked to him in a minute so I can't really remember. But walking with them was an everyday thing. Especially because I liked hanging with Akshuar. Alanna was just there because that was his friend. But I guess you could say me and her became cool along the way but thats not the point. I get to my car. We all parted ways. And when I got in my mom aksed me and my sister the normal "how was yall day" I always told her the same thing "good" and then her and my sister startd talking cause my sister was going in depth about her day. But I had just a gotten a random add on snapchat from this girl so I was on my phone. I added the girl back her name on her profile was Shani. I didn't know a shani so quite frankly I didn't know who she was but I had a gut feeling. She texted me and said heyyy. I was like hey. We started talking a little bit. She was asking me what I was doing and more shit. But I just had to know if this was who I thought It was so i told her i had a Quesntion. Obviously she responded with yes and I asked her "are you that girl from the hallway who was being loud" and she had put laughing emojis and said "yeah its me." when I tell yall i was shocked but happy. Like I was smiling at my phone for a minute. I mean I missed the whole car ride home frl because I was too busy being stuck in lala land and texting her.

Me and her didn't text much especially cause we just kinda met. So it wasn't much conversation that whole day. But I was damn sure happy enough  she found my snpachat. She seemed cool too like i liked her vibe. So once again I went another night thinking about her and falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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