May The Fourth Be With You

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Calypso walked down the stairs of the Waystation, not expecting to see party decorations everywhere. The decorations all either said 'Star Wars' or 'May the fourth be with you.' which she thought was odd. She knew it was May fourth that day, but she didn't know it was a holiday. There was even a cake on the kitchen counter that said 'May the fourth be with you' in big yellow letters. Calypso heard voices coming from the next room and went to investigate.

She walked into the middle of a war zone.  Literally. Leo was standing on one side of the room dressed is all black with a mask on. He was holding a red sword type thing in his right hand, and was holding his left hand out towards Georgie. "Leia, join me in the First Order."

"No! You're my enemy!" she said back.

"No, I am your father." Leo said in a deep voice.

Now Calypso was confused.

"Well you're still evil!" Georgie yelled defiantly. She was wearing white robes with her hair in two large buns on the side of her head. She was holding a similar weapon to Leo's, but blue.

Georgie and Leo rushed to the middle of the room, clashing their weapons together. They proceeded to have a sword fight in which one person (Leo) barely tried, and the other person (Georgie) tried their very hardest. Leo was obviously letting Georgie win, but she didn't notice. If she did, she didn't seem to mind.

Suddenly, Georgie reared back and thrust her sword forward into Leo's stomach. The sword retracted in on itself as she pushed, making it appear that it was puncturing Leo's abdomen. Leo dropped his weapon in a dramatic display of pain. He staggered back and gripped his stomach. "My own daughter..." he said haltingly. "How... how could you do this to me?"

Georgie said nothing, instead standing, silently watching while Leo "died". When he took his last breath, Calypso spoke up.

"What's going on here?" She asked.

"We're acting out my favourite part in Star Wars!" Georgie cheered. "But we changed it some. Like, I don't wanna be a boy, so we changed Luke to Leia in the part where Luke and Darth Vader fight and Luke finds out that he's his dad."

Calypso made a questioning face. "Is that, like, a book or something?"

"No. It's the best movie IN THE WORLD!" Georgie shouted.

Leo stood. "Yeah, and today is National Star Wars Day."

"Why today? Is it, like, the day it was made or something?" Calypso asked.

"Today is May the fourth. And in the movies, there's-"

"Wait, Calypso said, holding out her hands. "Movies? Plural?"

"Yeah," Leo said, "it's a franchise. Anyway, today is May the fourth, and in the movies, there's a popular saying. "May the force be with you." Get it?" He asked. "May the force, May the fourth?"

"Oh, that's cool."

"Leo!" Georgie whisper-yelled. She beckoned for him to lean down. She whispered in his ear.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Leo said, smiling. He looked at Calypso. "Cal, for your own good, me and Georgie-"

"Georgie and I" Calypso corrected.

"Whatever." Leo waved his hand. "We're commandeering your day. So if you had any plans, you don't now. Today, us three are going to have a Star Wars marathon."

"But I was going to go to the flower shop!" Calypso said. "And I was thinking..." she said, stepping toward Leo, "that me and you could do something tonight, just the two of us." She whispered the last part, her nose almost touching Leo's, and her face sporting a sort of seductive expression. She dragged her pointer finger down his arm. She was, like, 85% sure that would work.

Leo swallowed, stepping slightly back. His face was red. "A-as great as that sounds, i-it'll have to wait." He regained his composure. "For tonight," he exclaimed dramatically, grabbing his weapon and raising it in the air, "we travel in to a galaxy far, far away!"


"Georgie!" Leo whispered to the girl next to him. "Look, it's your favourite part."

No response.

Leo looked over and saw that she was passed out, drooling slightly from the corner of her mouth.

Leo glanced over at Calypso, who was leaning on his other shoulder, and sure enough, she was asleep too.

He chuckled. Lightweights. he thought. Sure, they were on their sixth movie of the night, but Leo normally stayed up extremely late so he wasn't too tired.

He slowly eased Calypso off his shoulder, trying not to wake her. He picked up Georgie and took her to her room, putting a blanket over her before going back to Calypso on the couch who was still asleep.

He picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to her bedroom. He eased her down onto the bed.
He turned to leave but felt something catch his wrist. "Stay." Calypso murmured, weakly pulling his hand back.

"Cal, I'm not allowed to, you know that." he said. (when has that stopped you Leo?)

" 's fine." she murmured. "You're warm." She pulled again, and this time Leo relented. He laid next to her and covered them both with a blanket. She moved to lay her head on his shoulder, and he put his arm around her back. "I love you." Calypso said, snuggling into him. "Like-" she yawned, "-really love you."

Leo smiled, kissing the top of her head. "I really love you too Sunshine."

"I thought I told you not to call me that." she said sleepily.

"You did," Leo responded, "but I think deep down you secretly like it."

"Noooo." she paused. "Maybe."

"I knew it." Leo said smugly.

"Shh." Calypso put her hand over his mouth. "Sleep."

Leo removed her hand. "Whatever you say Sunshine."

Happy Star Wars Day and May the Fourth be with you! If you've never watched Star Wars, go do it! Now! Also I'm going to be in a play this coming week, so wish me luck!

I apologize for the slow updates. I'm updating when I can, just having some trouble coming up with ideas. And I've been kinda busy.

Anyway, you are more than welcome to leave a request for something you'd like to see.

Have a good day/night and be nice!

Caleo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now