A Proposal Most Unorthodox

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"Okay," Leo walked in the door, his arms full of grocery bags, "I have popcorn, Oreos, soda, frozen pizza, and all the strawberries you can eat."

"And I," Calypso said, "made three dozen cookies. And no-" she answered Leo's unspoken question, "-they're not all for us."

"Damn (Dam)." Leo said, disappointed. He set the grocery bags down on the counter of their tiny apartment kitchen. "Have you decided what movie we're going to watch?"

"Yes." she answered. "I was scrolling through Amazon Prime earlier, and I found this cool looking show called Hazbin Hotel. And," she added, "it's a musical!" 

"Well no wonder you chose it!" Leo said jokingly. "I'll put these pizzas in the oven, you want to put the snacks on the table?" 



"My daughter wants to see me! Take that depression!" 

"I'll be honest," Leo said, "when you said this show was about some girl rehabilitating Sinners in Hell, I didn't expect it to be so..." he paused, trying to think of the best word. "Sunshine-y." 

"Me either. It's good though, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah, I think it's my new favorite show."

They settled back into comfortable silence, Calypso resting her head on Leo's shoulder and Leo putting his arm around her.

"Cal," Leo said after a couple minutes of watching.

"Mm?" she responded, keeping her eyes on the screen.

"Do you want to get married?"

Calypso said nothing for a couple moments, processing what Leo had just asked her. She suddenly grabbed the remote and paused the show, sitting up and turning to face Leo. "What did you just ask me?" she said.

Leo chuckled. "You heard me. Do you want to get married?"

Calypso gaped at him. How was he so relaxed right now? "Are you proposing to me right now?" she asked, wanting it to be clear.

"Uh," Leo said, as if he was unsure, "yeah, I guess I am."

"Leo Valdez!" Calypso suddenly erupted. "Is that really how you are going to ask your girlfriend of ten years to marry you?! With just a do you wanna get married  in the middle of watching some TV show on the couch in your pajamas?"

"Well," he sat up, "do you want to?"

"Of course I do you vlákas, but not with a proposal like this! I would like you to think that asking me to marry you is worth a little effort, and not just like some normal everyday question!"

Leo got up and went to their bedroom then. Calypso followed him. "Now you're just walking away? What the hell?! I-" she paused, seeing him get a small box out of the closet. He turned to her.

"For the record," he said, "I had an entire thing planned out. I was going to take you on a picnic at the beach, and we were going to eat chocolate covered strawberries, and then we were going to walk along the shoreline and I would propose at sunset and we'd write our names in the sand and it would be super romantic and memorable. But I just felt like this was the right time. I felt like the thing that would be most us  would be something as unorthodox and odd as a proposal in our TV room."

Calypso said nothing.

"Now, if you really want," he continued, "we can still do that, but it won't be as surprising anymore." He paused and looked at her. "But I don't think you want that, do you?" 

She shook her head, her eyes watering.

"Well," he said, "in that case," he knelt down, opening the box, revealing a rose gold ring with a gold colored diamond in the middle framed by two smaller jewels of the same color. "Calypso, you have made me the happiest person on Earth, even with your dislike of salsa. I love you with my everything and and I want you to always be with me. I need you. I love you so much Sunshine." He looked up at her with a smile brighter than the sun itself. "So, will you marry me?" he asked hopefully. His smile faltered then. "Wait, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"

Calypso shook her head quickly. "No," she said, "it was perfect." She sank to her knees, matching Leo's level.

"Then, what's wrong?" he asked, confused.

Calypso sniffed. "I'm just so sorry I yelled at you. I-I thought you were too lazy to put in any effort and you had a whole plan that sounds amazing a-and I underestimated you and just assumed that-"

"Hey, hey." Leo said, cutting her off. "You don't have to be sorry. You have a right to want me to put in some effort, and you didn't know. C'mere." He opened his arms, taking Calypso in them and holding her tight. She leaned her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It always calmed her down. It was like a constant reminder that he was always there, and that he always loved her. 

"So..." he said after a couple minutes, "will you marry me?"

Calypso sat back and looked at him, smiling. "Yes!"

Leo smiled, matching hers and sliding the ring onto her finger, kissing it. He kissed her then, smiling into it. 

Calypso pulled back suddenly. "Can we still go on that date? Obviously you don't have to propose again, but it just sounds really fun and-" Leo cut her off, kissing her. He pulled back. 

"Of course we can, fiancé."  He said. Calypso blushed. "Aw, you're blushing! How cute!" Leo said, poking fun at Calypso's red cheeks. 

"Shut up." she muttered. Leo smirked, pulling her to him and kissing her again.

This took me like three hours for some reason but here it is. 

In other news, I tried reading The Great Gatsby, but there's way too many big words and I'd rather read Lockwood & Co. I'll read Gatsby some other time.

Also, if you requested something a while back and I replied to it, it's probably sitting in my drafts half finished. I will try to get it out, but I can make no promises. That's not to say it wasn't a good suggestion, I just have terrible problems with finishing things I start.

Anyway, you are more than welcome to leave a request for something you'd like to see.

Have a good day/night and be nice!

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