Episode 1: Suntans, Maine {Andy}

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  Suntans, Maine. That is where I, Anderson, live. Except I am a friendless loser. no one talked to me, no one called me by my own name-usually freak-and plus Suntans is not the place to go for a vacation. I know that Maine is named "Vacation Land" but tourists never go to Suntans. That's because Suntans is the exact opposite of what it's named. It's hardly ever sunny. Always raining, snowing, or just overall cold. I always begged my parents to move but my dad has a stupid job he got here. I would much rather stay in Massachusetts.
  In the fifth period I have the worst classmates ever. They always call me a freak and it was getting annoying. I couldn't stick up for myself either. I know, pathetic. My doctor and therapist diagnosed me with social anxiety and regular anxiety. I never thought that being social would ruin my mental state. I didn't give a shit. Might as well be depressed too. Mr. Hare didn't help either, he said he would but that's what all the math teachers said. Another downside is that when they start saying that a week later done new kid shows up. It's been a week since school started.

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