Hot And Pissed And On The Pill?

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veronica comes though the door all dirty and smudged up, she sneaks upstairs and into her room where she runs into the bathroom and takes a long shower, she gets out and get dressed and plops down on her bed, she starts to sob.

veronica crys silently though her pillow remembering all that has happened. After awhile veronica falls into a deep sleep

(flashback: into the beginning of the movie)

veronica: hello jason dean

JD: greetings and salutations, you a heather?

veronica: no im a veronica..........sawyer

more deeper into the flashback

veronica: i want to kill and it is more then a peek in my menstrual cycle  

veronica throws her book across her room.

veronica: ugh, fucking heather! im dead by monday......just great 

veronica: i could ride up to Seattle but i don't own a motorbike, but wait i could hang out with jd he did give me his address to hang out, but fuck hes hot, i could spend my hours getting freaky with him~ hm ah yes

veronica sneaks though her window on her way to jds, she reaches his place and climbs up his roof and slips though his window.

jd is dead asleep but the hears footsteps in his room and its not his dad since his dad never checks up on him and that hes also out of town, jd wakes up and see veronica standing there in his room

jd is dead asleep but the hears footsteps in his room and its not his dad since his dad never checks up on him and that hes also out of town, jd wakes up and see veronica standing there in his room

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jd: veronica what are you doing in my room?

veronica: shhhhh sorry but i really had to wake you, see i decided i must ride you till i break you~

the scene of dead girl walking plays out and im not writing that im too pure-ish for that shit

in the next morning while jd is asleep next to veronica, veronica doesn't feel well and rushes to the bathroom to vomit and jd does not hear since hes a heavy sleeper

veronica: ugh, did i catch a bug from that stupid fucking party?

(the end of flashback)

veronica wakes up confused why she remembered that

veronica: what? why am i remembering that? now thinking of it i haven't had my period snice then, but that was 2 months ago and i have been puking every morning

then the realization hits her

veronica: oh shit am i?...........oh no

veronica rushes out of her room and to the store she picks out a pregnancy test. when veronica gets home she calls heather m

heather m answers

heather m: yes ronnie?

veronica: heather could you come over

heather m: sure thing but may i ask why?

veronica: i tell you when you get here

heather m hangs up the phone and rushes over

heather m: so whats wrong?

veronica: i think im pregnant

heather m: why?

veronica: i had unprotected sex with jd and i haven't had my period and i've been puking every morning

heather m: why don't you take the test then you'll see

veronica head into the bathroom test in hand

a few minutes later

veronica comes out of the bathroom with test in hand

veronica: here you take and tell me what it is

heather m: okay ronnie you are.............

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