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veronica: t-thats a sign right? when the start killing animals

jd: yeah 

veronica: my fear came true

jd: yes it did

veronica starts to panic while jd tries to remain calm

jd grabs tate from the dead cat, and washes his hands

veronica is frozen in shock

jd cleans up the dead cat remains and throws it in the garbage can out in the front yard.

jd: veronica

veronica still in shock

jd: veronica!

veronica: y-yeah?

jd: you go keep an eye on- the doorbell rings

jd: who could that be?

veronica: i don't know

jd: you keep an eye on tate while i answer the door

jd answers the door to see his father standing there (who we will call bud)

jd: dad......?

bud: jason......

jd: what the fuck do you want?

bud: where are ya, i never see you anymore

jd: gee i wonder why? "he says sarcastically"

bud: i just want to see my son

jd: bullshit!

bud: fine, i came here for money

jd: no

tate runs up and hugs jd's legs from behind

veronica: walks up as well

veronica: tate....

bud: whos this little guy?

jd: my son

bud: you're son!?

jd: yes

bud: can i hug him?

jd: no

bud: and why not?

jd: i want you no where in his life!

bud: why?

jd: lets see you abused me my whole fuckin life, you cause mom's suicide and you were abusive to her!

bud: past is past

jd: that and you can stay in it!

bud: im guessing you knocked up veronica

jd: yes i did now we're a happy family now go

bud: never heard of condoms?

jd: shes my girlfriend and i love her and i love my son, and i hate you, now leave!

bud tries to grab tate for a "hug"

but jd steps in the way and points a gun at bud

bud: woah there jason

jd: get out...

bud: fine

bud leaves

veronica: impressive, but why do you have a gun?


veronica: form what!?

jd: it doesn't matter!

veronica: oh yes it does! 

jd: can't you get off my back for five goddamn minutes!?

veronica: you're the one with the gun here!

veronica: you haven't given up your old habits have you!?

jd: its a working progress

veronica: no wonder why tate is killing animals

veronica: what else have you showed him while im gone!

veronica: did you teach him how to use a fucking gun!

veronica: how to cut with a knife!

jd: what the fuck kind of monster do you think i am!?

veronica: heather chandler was right, you'll never change!

veronica: its my fault for being able to to trust you when i know you're lying though your fucking teeth!? 

jd: you're not the monster here! i am!

veronica: remember what happened last time this happened!?


veronica: im not going though this again!

veronica: i will leave with tate

jd: VERONICA I LOVE YOU! "he accidently points the gun at her"

she gasps in fear

jd: not again

jd: veronica, i love you, i can't lose you again!

tears roll down his face (yes i know its cringe)

veronica is surprised by this, she never see jd cry

veronica rushes up to him and hugs jd

veronica rushes up to him and hugs jd

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veronica: we're get though this

jd: i know..........

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