Chapter 12

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July 30, 2025, 7:00 AM

Ella's private estate: Los Angeles, California.

Willow entered her sister's house to check on her. When she got in the house, the lights were dimmed, and a bottle of wine was on the table. She picked up the bottle and saw it was half-empty. Next to the bottle was an ashtray with a cigar in it, she began thinking to herself, "Ella doesn't smoke...does she?". She looked around the house looking for her sister, walking up to the second floor. But her search was cut short by the sounds of moaning coming from the room upstairs. Willow's face turned a bright shade of red upon hearing the sounds. "S-she...why would...she can't be doing... that." Willow, and her embarrassment had chosen to leave and return later, but before she could do that a red flash shined through the window. Dagon.

Ella was sitting on top of a man in her bed, her and the man's clothes scattered around the room. She looked out the window and saw Dagon had returned, for some reason. She looked back down at the man groaned in frustration and got off him.

???: Tch, what's he doing here?

Ella: I don't know... but it better be a good reason.

???: Worry about him later, come back in bed.

Ella: I wish I could but, if I don't go see what he wants now, he'll think something happened to me.

The man groaned. 

???: You need to put a leash on your dog out there.

Ella: I know, I know. I'll be right back, ok?

???: Ok.

Ella had thrown on her robe and ran down to her second floor and over to the balcony. But when she got down there, she saw someone she wasn't expecting and didn't want to see.

Ella: Willow? W-what are you doing here?

Willow: Umm...nothing I was just leaving anyway. H-have fun...

Ella: Wait.

Willow: Y-yes?

Ella: how long have you been here?

Willow swallowed and looked everywhere around the room, expecting an answer to form out of thin air. Instead, she was saved by another bright flash from Dagon.

Ella: I'll deal with you later.

Willow nodded. Ella grabbed her remote off a nearby table and brought it up to her mouth.

Ella: Dagon, what are you doing back here?

Dagon rose out of the water and looked into the window. A look annoyance on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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