~fixing it

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Taraji's POV:

Heading down the hallway, my stomach was tied in a knot.

I didn't know exactly how I was going to explain to her everything that's been going on. But I knew had to.

Upon entering the door I overheard Tasia talking to somebody. So I decided to ease drop.

"No we can't do that Kendall, I know you're sorry but I've moved on. Maybe we could still be friends."

I know my ears deceive me, because I know it ain't so.

To keep from fucking her up, I turned back down the hallway and went to my room and balled my eyes out.

How could the woman I almost died for, the woman I loved ,turn around betray me.

I couldn't talk to my momma because she was still pissed from earlier, and Dani didn't know anything.

So to clear my head I decided to go for a walk, while walking I got a call from Terrence.

"Hey t, I just called to check on you see how it's going."

Not good, not good at all Terrence. He broke into my house tried to kill me, he sent somebody in the hospital as a messenger,

And he called her with some sob story and she went for it. I over heard the conversation. Life's kicking my ass right now.

"Hold the fuck up, THAT NIGGA DID WHAT?"

Terrence calm down, that's why I didn't want to tell your hyper ass nothing.

"Naw, that shit ain't cool, matter of fact I'll be there ina few."

Terrence wait you don't even know where I am.

"Then where the fuck you at?"

Mommas house.

"Igh, I'm otw."

Fuck. This isn't gonna end well at all.
Another cliffhanger , sorry not sorry🌚. Anyways the tea is hawttt. What do y'all think Terrence is gonna do? And will tasia find out Kendall is behind this all? Will she go back? STAY TUNED.

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