Jump then fall (Taylor's Version)

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Mum just messaged me saying she's outside to pick me up.

Today was spent with the gang. I splurged on a new pair of grey Nike sweatpants and snagged a couple of baby tees from Brandy Melville. Andy surprised me by treating me to sushi for lunch, which I found adorable. But every time he did something nice, Stacy shot me these dagger looks. She was all over Andy, being super flirty, which honestly got on my nerves. It's not like I have feelings for Andy or anything, I just think he's good-looking and genuinely nice. Tara warned me about him being a player, but I don't see it.

Tara and I broke off from the group for a bit to hit up some shops the others weren't interested in. I seriously adore Tara. About 20 minutes later, Andy tracked us down. Oh, and he even got me a little Kinder chocolate, which was so sweet.

As we said our goodbyes, I hugged everyone farewell, but I only hugged Andy among the boys. When he wrapped his arms around me, he exuded this intoxicating scent of a rich, handsome perfume. Seriously, he smelled incredible. Tara escorted me outside to meet my mom, ensuring she didn't catch sight of any of the boys who were there. I had told her no boys were around, so I didn't want to raise any suspicion.

"Bye, Tara. Thanks for inviting me, it was a blast," I said to Tara as I hugged her.

"No worries at all. Andy seems really into you," she remarked, causing me to blush.

"Nah, he's just being friendly," I replied, trying to brush off her comment.

"Sure, sure," she teased.

"Anyway, mom's here. I gotta run."



I hopped into the car with Mum, connecting my phone to the car's audio system and cueing up one of my favorite tunes, "Jump Then Fall" by Taylor Swift. Mum rolled her eyes, remarking that she was tired of Taylor's music.

White Horse (Andy Goldfarb)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें