Chapter Five

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Word Count: 730 words.

It only takes me half an hour to pack, but I'm too overwhelmed to make it to dinner on time. Instead, it is brought to me by a servant that I am yet to learn the name of, and they quickly scamper back down the hall to gather their own food, I assume. 

     I feel too sick to eat the food; I set it down on the cleaner area of my desk.

     I haven't felt so worried since the day that I left to join the Black Swan, and I haven't missed it. Every time my over-working brain comes up with another situation that could happen, I feel my stomach churn once more.

     Don't mistake me for an overthinker; in fact, some people might argue that I underthink! But when it comes to how my friends might react, I've learnt to analyse all sides.

     I wonder who I'll tell first. Keefe might be the most understanding, but I'm not ready to face what he might think of me if it goes bad.

     There is no way that I'll go to Stina, Marella, or Maruca first. The trust that I was building with them before I left was already too fragile, and I doubt that my disappearance has done anything to assist that.

     Biana and Dex might be safe choices, but Dex has some sort of trauma with my deaths and I'm not even sure I'll be able to get to him.

     Linh is out of the question. She might not be as close to her twin, but Tam is incredible at discovering her secrets.

     I could go to Wylie, but I'm heading to school, and he's graduated.

     The only person that leaves is Fitz.

     The thought churns my stomach more, and I double over. Nothing comes.

     Fitz doesn't have a very... healthy clutch when it comes to dealing with big news, and I'm sure that me revealing that I'm not dead and it was my personal choice to leave won't help our already-suffering relationship.

     But he's my cognate, and if I have to go to anyone, well... he's the one I would have trusted years ago. And maybe he's the one I should trust now.

     Going back and forth between my options once more, I decide that I'll meet with Fitz first. He should be the easiest, since we're telepathically connected, and I know when his telepathy sessions are on. 

     Maybe cognates have more advantages than I thought.

     The plan is set for tomorrow, though I wish I had more time to think. I'll go to school and skip my first session, which is study hall. There are too many people there, and I want to meet Fitz before anyone else finds out where I am.

     Changing into fuzzy pajamas that I still fit into from when Keefe, Dex, Biana, Fitz, and I stayed in Alluventerre, I climb into bed. Pulling the covers up to my nose, I snuggle further down into the bed. I wasn't able to bring Ella with me; I haven't slept well since I left.


I wake the next morning, making sure I'm early enough to get everything ready. I shower, take my time changing, and then make sure that I have everything I need. 

     I wasn't told whether I'd be making it back to Havenfield, and as much as I yearn to return to my real home, I doubt I'll be able to.

     More likely, I'll be lucky if I make it out of school before the Council find me.

     Choking down a quick breakfast of something herb-y, I make my way into the courtyard, where Mr. Forkle – in his Magnate Leto disguise – and Flash wait for me.

     I'm still unsure of Flash's real name, though she has been given the identity of Amari Ventura, a tall, black-haired girl. She's been able to keep her striking eyes.

     Offering her a smile that she returns, I turn to Magnate Leto. He runs us through some rules – no making ourselves more known than we need to, stick to the plan, all that. The only difference between our rules is that I have to meet with Fitz and a few of my friends, whereas Flash only needs to make it to her makeshift classes.

     Magnate Leto holds the crystal to the light when he's finished, and the three of us push our way through and into Foxfire.


Author's note: 'Chapter five! Yippe. Short chapter. Forgot how to spell, but oh well. I should stop writing now so bye guys! Enjoy.'

     - Riezie c:

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