Chapter Six

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Word Count: 898 words. (getting shorter AAAAA)

As the light disappears and I check myself to make sure I haven't faded, I raise my head to stare around.

     Everything looks the same as when I left: a large, glass pyramid in the centre of the grounds, a few towers around the outside, and then the school. I've missed it all miraculously, and I stare like a fool.

     But the familiarity and conjoining wave of emotions that hit me in powerful waves don't seem to wash away the anxiety that I've been holding onto since yesterday.

     The sun glints off each glass pane on the massive pyramid in the centre, and the towers around it send spirals of sunlight into my eyes. I blink, but the memories that come with the sight are the main reasons for the burning of my eyes.

     Luckily, it seems as though everyone else is inside. Flash and I don't bother to hide.

     Magnate Leto walks forward, and Flash and I follow him quickly.

     I keep my head down, like I've been told. Nodding at Flash and promising to catch up with her at the end of the day or whenever needed, I break off from them, and Magnate Leto continues to his office, where I watch Flash move away and towards a group of people.

     It makes me wonder if maybe she attends Foxfire outside of her Black Swan disguise. With the confidence in which she struts her way over to the group of level fours, I wouldn't doubt it. Though I don't recognise her from anywhere...

     Continuing down the hallways, I keep my eyes focused on the ground, though I make sure not to hunch my back or dip my head. That would make me suspicious.

     I round a corner, and the Healing Centre comes into view.

     I am reminded of how many appointments I made to the physician, and smile.

     The door opens, and I lean onto the wall, looking as though I'm checking something on my schedule. Though I'm really paying attention to the people who walk through the door.

     Maybe I should say species, though.

    Out first walks Grizel, Fitz's bodyguard, and I freeze momentarily.

     Then out walks Fitz, Biana, Dex, Tam, and Keefe, their bodyguards close by.

     With a pang, I recognise a sixth bodyguard. Sandor.

     Pushing myself further into the wall, I angle the schedule so it covers my face discreetly.

     The urge to run up to them is far too strong, and I can tell why Mr. Forkle wanted me to return earlier, when the time between seeing them last is smaller. A few more months, and I don't think I'd be able to stand at the other end of the hallway without going into some sort of panic attack.

     They're chatting, all smiles and gestures towards one another. They seem to only have grown closer in the time that I've been gone, and I love it.

     Sandor raises his head slowly, looking around, and his eyes latch onto me.

     It takes every nerve in my body not to react, and I wait a few more seconds before looking towards one of the doors and moving towards it.

     Sandor keeps looking; I can feel his narrowed gaze on my back.

     I just have to hope I was secretive enough for him to miss me.


     I skipped my first session as planned. But I still wasn't ready to face any mentor in my second session, so when Mr. Forkle-as-Magnate-Leto came up to me and told me that I should head up towards the Silver Tower before the transition between first and second session, I didn't decline.

     I rush over towards the large, glowing tower before the horns rang, just barely escaping the sudden rush of kids as they make their ways to their next classes.

     The Silver Tower is unusually empty, but that doesn't stop me from being any less secretive than I did in the earlier period.

     I push my way up the stairs, letting my gloved hand trail up the banister slowly.

     Taking it slowly, I walk passed my old Polyglot classroom where I would learn that I was as high as I needed to be in languages and as low as I could be in mimicking with Lady Cadence.

     Large doors that look different than I last saw them – a dark black, much darker than they were before I left – appear in front of me suddenly, though it may just be because I was so distracted.

     I look around once before pushing open the doors. They're eerily silent.

     At first glance, the room is empty save for two chairs.

     I swallow at the sight of them.

    Councillor Bronte's massive throne makes my smaller chair look like a child's highchair.

     It almost makes me laugh.

     But the sight of the man standing next to the throne stops me from pushing that laugh over the edge and out of my mouth.

     Councillor Bronte.

     I tense, my shoulders going rigid as he turns, as though he's heard my thoughts. A bead of nervous sweat bubbles up at the back of my neck, and I hold myself still as he attempts to take me in with his eyes.

     Up. Down. Up. Down.

     Recognition settles in further, digging its way into his head and heart with each sweep of his eyes. He seems to go limp as he stands, eyes widening.

     And then he screams.


Author's note: 'Another late post? Yuppers! And a short chapter? Also yes! I keep listening to Poopy Man's playlist and it's so bad but so addicting.'

     - Riezie. c:

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