Chapter Three: Nighttime Intrigues

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The Crimson Demon Village hummed with its usual odd charm as Megumin and Yunyun arrived at the Crimson Demon Clothing Shop. They eagerly explained their mission to the bemused owner, Chekera.

“This will be perfect for when we’re sneaking around at night!” Megumin declared, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.

“I agree, but it’s a little embarrassing how we’re matching,” Yunyun admitted, her cheeks tinged with pink.

Chekera handed them their new outfits, a mix of practical stealth gear and flamboyant Crimson Demon style. Alpha and Beta, standing nearby, watched with varying degrees of bemusement and skepticism.

“What an odd request,” Alpha remarked, her brow raised.

“In exchange for helping us find Lord Shadow, you wanted to dress up like us,” Beta summarized, her tone half questioning, half disbelieving.

“I just couldn’t resist!” Megumin admitted unabashedly, twirling in her new attire.

“But yeah, it does suit you pretty well,” Yunyun conceded, looking at their matching outfits.

“Now, let’s look for Lord Shadow together,” Alpha commanded, her voice taking on a tone of leadership.

“The more people who are helping, the faster you can find who you’re looking for,” Darkness reasoned, her pragmatic nature shining through.

“True,” Kazuma agreed reluctantly. “Plus, Aqua isn’t here this time around, so we might actually get something done.”

“Wait… me too?” Kazuma’s voice wavered, his apprehension evident.

“Yes, you too,” Darkness confirmed, her tone leaving no room for argument. “The more people to help, the faster we can find who we’re looking for.”

Kazuma mumbled under his breath, “But I still have a very, very bad feeling…”

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of two Axis cultists, a man and a woman, their expressions eager and a bit too cheerful.

“You are in luck! We have a big meeting tonight, and you are invited to attend! To see the goddess’s work with your own eyes!” the female cultist announced, her eyes gleaming with fervor.

The male cultist nodded. “We can teach you the proper way of praising the goddess and even help you with all the tasks you might need in the future. If you are loyal, you will be greatly rewarded.”

The group attempted to walk past them, but the cultists were insistent, their fervor almost tangible.

Sensing Yunyun’s unease, Megumin stepped forward. “No thank you. I don’t really like what your cult stands for,” she said, her voice polite but firm.

The cultists did not relent. “Oh come now, that’s quite presumptuous. We have helped so many people in the past. Let us guide you to salvation! The church is just around the corner,” the female cultist urged, her smile unwavering.

Kazuma, feeling trapped, spoke up. “Eeehhh, n-no way, I don’t even believe in your religion,” he exclaimed nervously.

The cultists exchanged a glance, their smiles faltering momentarily. “Well now, that’s quite unfortunate to hear. There’s so much evidence that our goddess exists. But if you prefer to believe in lies rather than face the truth, that’s alright. I suppose even someone like you can be saved one day,” the male cultist said, his tone patronizing.

The female cultist nodded. “Indeed, all will be forgiven. The goddess is always watching and will provide you with comfort if you follow her teachings. We hope that one day you may choose to walk the right path and give yourself up entirely to her.”

~Blissings to this eminence in shadow!~(Novel Version)  (Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now