⊹ ࣪ ˖who will get mash? ⊹ ࣪ ˖

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Finn is online

Finn; I need help with 6

Dot, lance and lemon is online

Lemon; what? What question?

Lance; the homework that the teacher gave

Lemon; what! There's homework

Dot; I didn't even do it ✌️ I will copy of someone

Lemon; should we call each other so we can help each other

Dot; yeah, yeah, that sounds good to me

Finn; I mean, I'm in my room, so it's fine

Lance; I will get my book ready

Tom is online

Tom; hi

Dot; hey Tom

Finn; hi

Lance; hello

Lemon; heyy

Tom; I have a question

Tom; to everyone actually

Finn; ??

Tom; who do you think would make the best partner for mash?

Everyone is online

Dot; well, I think I'd be pretty great. I'm caring and attractive, and I always listen

Finn; I think i'm more fun and loving for him

Lance; hold on, let's not forget about me. I'm more reliable and more responsible for him

Lemon; let me be real. None of you can compare to me. I'd make the best wife for mash,and I know how to take care of someone

Abel; she does have a point being a good partner isn't just about fun and excitement. It's being there for them

Abyss; yeah, but I think I bring a sense of adventure to the table

Margarette; I can always protect him with my heart

Milo; I can always give love and put him first

Love cute; me tooooo!

Madl; what about me? I'm passionate. Mash would know that I'd always have his back

Carpaccio; no, you dont

Ryoh; you guys can't beat me as you can see. I'm handsome, so is mash, so we should be together

Orter; don't you always think about your face all the time? What makes you think you're suitable

Renatus; you guys are boring if me and mash were together, I would have explored him- I mean, explore the world with him

Tsurara; this is a tough decision. Mash would be struggling to choose one of you

Sophie; they are acting like children's

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