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"It doesn't matter who I am," Seokjin said, his voice carrying a dangerous edge. "What matters is that you keep your filthy hands off him." His eyes blazed as he stood protectively in front of Yoongi.

The man scoffed, taking a step back. "And who are you to tell me what to do?"

Seokjin's gaze remained steely. "I am his dom," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

The man's laughter echoed through the room, his gaze filled with mockery. "Oh, then how about you give me your sub?" he taunted, a smug grin across his face. "I'll pay you handsomely for him."

Seokjin's deep chuckle was palpable, full of menace. "You think you can just buy someone like him?" he said. "He's not some commodity for you to purchase. He's my sub, and he belongs with me, not with a scum like you. And you will show him the respect he deserves."

Their verbal exchange escalated into a heated confrontation, each word laden with hostility. "Oh, come on. He's nothing but a sex toy-"

Seokjin's patience snapped at the remark. With a swift motion, he delivered a resounding slap across the man's face, sending him stumbling backward to the floor, his expression filled with shock and fury.

His anger boiled over, his fists clenched as he ran towards Seokjin, intent on starting a physical fight. Yoongi's eyes widened in alarm as he rushed towards them, attempting to intervene before things escalated further. "Look ou-"

But before he could do anything, Seokjin swiftly retrieved a gun from his pocket, aiming it directly at the man. The man froze in his tracks, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of the weapon.

Seokjin's voice was firm, his finger steady on the trigger. "I suggest you leave. Now."

The man's bravado faltered, replaced by a palpable sense of fear as he took a step back.

Yoongi stood frozen in disbelief, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Seokjin assert his dominance with a steely resolve.

The man's gaze bore into Yoongi once more, his expression filled with rage as he issued his final threat. "I'll be back for you, Min Yoongi. You will fucking pay-"

"Oh, I wouldn't advise it."

The man trembled at Jin, and then he hastily made his exit from the mansion.

Once he had departed, the detective's demeanor shifted, his features filled with barely contained fury as he rubbed his temples in frustration. "Damn it..."

Yoongi moved to approach him, "Seokj-"

But Jin's cold gaze met his, cutting off any attempt at conversation. "Please, go to your room, Yoongi."

Stunned by his sudden change in demeanor, Yoongi hesitated, taken aback by the unfamiliar chill in his eyes. "But-"

"Go before I make you."

Seokjin's tone was icy and firm as he repeated his command, catching Yoongi off guard with its severity.

Reluctantly, the younger exhaled a sigh and obeyed, retreating to his room in silence under his dom's stern gaze.

Jin's command to the workers rang out as he instructed them to continue their tasks and summon Jimin to the living room.

The workers bowed, swiftly carrying out his orders as one of them departed to fetch Jimin.

Walking up the stairs, Yoongi could sense Jin's presence behind him.

Upon entering his room, he turned to face Jin who locked the room as soon as they entered. He then suddenly got pinned against the wall, his hands held by Jin's right grip on top of his head.

A Dangerous Game Of Submission.. // Dom&Sub Universe Where stories live. Discover now