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A new Little. I can handle this. Walking into the nurses office I see that she is still asleep. I really hope I got this. I always knew that I wouldn't pick my next Little. I was going to let them pick or Mr. Delas. I thought I would have more time. Mr. Delas won't be pairing anyone else up until next week. Some of the kids have already paired up but only during class. Next week we were going to have our trail runs with the Little of our choice or more like of their choice. I really hope I got this. After reading her file I know I can't mess this up. I would be cautious with any Little I get but this one is so fragile. I go to talk to the nurse but I notice that she is waking up. Here goes nothing. "Hello Little One."


Ashlynn's POV

My head hurts and I feel so groggy. I struggle for a moment to open my eyes slowly, but when I do I notice I am no longer in the classroom. I am startled when someone begins to talk to me. "Hello Little One." It's a voice I have never heard before. Looking around I find not one but two very tall guys looking down at me. The younger one, who I assume spoke before crouches down in front of me. "Hi, precious girl." He says as a feeling of safety washes over me. His voice reminds me of Mr. Alex's but is softer. I don't say anything back. What am I supposed to say? He reaches out his hand slowly and lowers the bar on the bed separating us. "How are you feeling, Little one?" I shrug still unsure what to say. He sighs before he stands back up and walks over to a mini fridge in the corner of the room. When he walks back over he pulls a chair over with him. The other man in the room just remains quiet. When he sees the younger man bring the chair over to me he goes over to the other side of the room and sits behind a desk focusing on a computer. Okay, I guess it's just me and the younger guy talking.

When I look back at the younger man I jump back not expecting him to be sitting right in front of me already. "Easy, I won't hurt you." He says as he scoots his chair back a little. Once my heartrate settles he reaches out to hand me the bottle of water he got from the mini fridge. "Why don't you drink that while I explain a few things okay?" He asks. I nod and slowly drink the water while he begins to talk. "Okay, so first off my name is Ethan. I am in the same morning classes as you. Do you remember what happened this morning?" I remember being in littlespace and playing with Markie. Then things get foggy, so I just shrug at his question."Right, well you were playing with another Little when two other Littles began fighting over a teddy bear. They weren't paying attention to anything around them and they ended up trampling over you and the other Little you were playing with. That startled you and you starting having a panic attack, when one of the bigs picked you up. She was trying to calm you down but you got really overwhelmed and passed out. Mr. Delas brought you here for Mr. Anthony to keep watch over you."

Well that's embarrassing. Bringing my knees up to my chest I bury my face behind my knees. What a way to start off at this school. Noticing my reaction Ethan keeps going. "Hey, now nothing to be embarrassed about. I need to tell you something. You do have to agree with this but Mr. Delas thinks that you and I would make a good fit for a Caregiver/Little Dynamic." My eyes grow wide at that. Head Mistress Edington told me that it would be my choice. Before I register my panic I am trying to back myself into the bed behind me and my breathing grows erratic. Ethan stands from his seat but he doesn't reach out to me. "Easy, Ashlynn, you're okay. Sshhh. You're okay, no one is going to force you to do anything you don't want too. Breathe for me. In and hold... Good, now out. That's it, in, out, in, out. There you are, precious girl." His voice is so calm and reassuring I find it hard not to listen to him. Once I am completely settled again he continues.

"Okay look, I have my concerns too. Honestly I'm a bit nervous to have another Little. After Duncan, I didn't think I could do this again. It took two years before I could even come back here. Now after being back for all of an hour I am being told to take on a new Little." He rubs his hands down his face. "Okay how about before we head back to class we take a moment to get to know each other. I will go first if you like?" He is looking at me expectantly. I nod and he begins to tell me about himself. He tells me all about his parents and younger brother. Apparently his family is some super important wolf shifters. His younger brother has started work for the family company. Both his parents are caregivers and together they have 3 Littles. He was planning on working for his family's company before he lost his Little, Duncan. I can tell by the way he talks about him that he loved him. His whole family took Duncans loss pretty hard. It's part of the reason his younger brother refuses to get tested. I didn't know anyone could refuse but maybe the rules are different for shifters than for humans.

When he is done talking I reialze he is waiting for me to tell him about myself. There's only one problem. I have absolutely nothing to tell him. "If you read my file then you know just about everything there is to know about me. Um, I don't know my father. I never met him. I also don't have any other family. My mother never had any family. I have lived more in the last month than I have in my entire life. The only thing I no for sure is I love art and the colors purple and blue." I tell him, unsure if it was the right thing to say. He just smiles. "Alright then, that just means that it is my job to show you more things so we can find out who you are. Just know that if at anytime you feel uncomfortable about something we can stop and try something else. Okay? Do you think I could be your caregiver, at least for the rest of today?" He seems really nice. I don't get any bad vibes from him and it would be better to go back to class with someone rather than on my own. "Umm, yes, we could try that."

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