Chapter 20

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A week had past and it was going neutral for Lia. Everything is peaceful but boring. 6 days before, Duke Clemence talked to his children on a dining table during dinner. He informed them of his departure to Galea immediately the next day.

The problems regarding the sudden death of High Sheriff Greene, a wise and kindhearted leader has caused ruckus. High Sherriff Greene led one of the region located East of Galea.

The Sheriffs leading local communities are headed by a person with the position of High Sheriffs. They rule a certain Region that consists of several local communities. Galea has a total of 5 Regions in their area.

Greene has a 10 year-old daughter and the Duke is not planning to let her inherit the position.

It hasn't happened yet that a female sat and ruled a region. The Duke is certain that the palace will not agree with that. Letting a female and untrained rule a region won't be a great idea for the palace and the nobles. The Duke, too, agrees with this.

That left him with no choice but to promote a deserving Sheriff to a vacant position which is High Sheriff. It is needed to be done immediately since the work left by Greene is crucial. It can't be left hanging.

With that, a new and vacant Sheriff position will be announced to the Land of Galea. A search for aspiring man with the passion and skill in leadership and an intelligence to handle responsibilities.

The Duke, before traveling to Galea, talked to Claine, trusting the mansion  in his hands. To also take care of his siblings. Claine is equipped with that responsibility since he always do that whenever his father is not around. He has been trained all his life for the responsibility that he's going to do in the future when he'll take the Duke position.

Its been a week and Duke Clemence hasn't been back to Gales yet. Claine has been in deep thoughts about the happenings in Galea, he's sure that there's hidden anomaly to the sudden death of High Sheriff Greene. He's eager and wanted to go with his father but wasn't able to due to the responsibilities his father passed on him.

Claine and Lia are on their way to the Supremacy. Its been few days since they haven't showed up.

Claine decided to visit to check up on other missions carried out.

Two of the Capos has been deployed on missions. One got back already with victory.

He also wants to gather information regarding the happenings around the kingdom. Its has been a routine for him to do that since he believed that being aware of surroundings is crucial and important.

As they arrived, Claine immediately looked for his friends and saw them seated on the same table they always sat. He walked to the table and looked at Lia signaling for her to follow.

How's everything going? Claine asked as he seated on his chair. Lia did the same. They both sat on the same chair they used to sit last week.

Lia on the other hand looked around her. She noticed a group of soldiers seated far across them on the couch. Since its an open area, everything can be seen.

Archer succeeded his mission. Baird said.

That's great. When is he coming back? Claine asks Baird

I don't know, he didn't actually informed any of us. Baird said.

Claine nodded as a response to Baird's answer.

Lia on the other hand has been stealing glances over the soldier that's seated on a couch with his friends.

As she roamed her eyes earlier, she saw that the man is already watching her with a serious face.

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