Found You

163 10 3

UA, 5 Minutes After Final Bell.

"So... where's the lady?" Kaminari asked, placing his hands on the back of his head as he walked.

"We probably just haven't seen her yet..." Midoriya said, shooting his head in all directions, searching for the blonde lady.

"Just give her some time... she might be running a bit late, is all," Yaoyorozu said to the both of him, fixing her hair.

Jiro opted to not say anything, instead just keeping her eye out for the lady. She wanted to get the meeting over as quickly as possible... any longer with that jerk of a friend then necessary would probably kill her.

However, the second they exited the school gates, they were greeted by the blonde woman. "Hello there," she said, giving a polite wave. The 4 students walked over to her, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.

"Yooooo... so where's this 'friend'?" Kaminari asked her, looking around.

"Oh, you mean Y? Well, he's waiting for us right now," She said, turning away and walking down the street, signaling for the group to follow.

"Y? I though you called him X?" Yaoyorozu said, speeding up the pace as she tried to get closer to the girl.

"We give him a different name every day... helps keep everything he does private," She said, checking her phone as she walked, nearly hitting a car as she crossed the street.

"Oh... why's he so secret?" Yaoyorozu asked, now standing side by side with the lady.

"Well, with the amount of cases lately, he's made quite a few enemies. It's best to just stay alert and not let them figure anything they don't need to know out."

After about 10 minutes of walking, they finally  came to a stop in front of an old building. One of the windows on the second floor was broken, the glass nowhere to be seen. It was like people hadn't lived here for a while. The lady that was guiding them pulled out a keychain, and grabbed one of the what seemed like 50 keys from it. Shoving it into the doorknob, she twisted it, unlocking and opening the door. She looked back towards the group and raised her hand, signaling for them to follow her inside.

The building had a completely different smell then what any of them were expecting. Despite its run down appearance from the outside, the inside smelled... nice. Like a fruit.

"Woah... what's up with this place?" Midoriya asked, looking around a hallway they had walked into. Above them, they could here muffled voices, yet they couldn't make out what was being said. Jiro was tempted to stick her earphones into the walls, but decided against it, as it would seem suspicious.

"So... where is this guy?" Kaminari asked, almost knocking over a coat rack. He caught it just before it hit the ground, and quietly stood it back up, shooting a nervous glance at the lady leading them, who was now walking up a staircase.

Finally, they came to a stop in front of the door. The voices had gotten louder, like they were just behind the door. The lady opened the door, causing everything to go silent.

Following the lady into the room, the students saw 4 people around the room, not including the lady that brought them. 1 person was standing up near a book case, 1 was on a bean bag with a notebook, and 1 was laying on the ground like he had been sleeping. The one near the bookcase was a boy that had shoulder length white hair, brown eyes, and a scar running down his right arm. The one on the bean bag was almost the same exact hair as the one standing up, but black. He had blue eyes, and a part of his cheek seemed to be burned. The one laying down yawned, before sitting up, rubbing his eyes. He had short, blonde hair, a baggy, dirty t shirt, and jeans that looked too big on him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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