{Chapter Two}

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Warning: Implied SA

Jellal's Pov

"Good morning mi amor"
Jellal said as he brought Erza a tray of food for breakfast in bed
"Thank you Jellal"
Erza said as she smiled
"Are you going to the base today to see Gray"
Jellal said as he sat at the end of the bed
"I don't know yet Master Makarov might need us to go on a mission"
Erza said as she sat up
"When are you going to tell Master Makarov that you're Pregnant"
Jellal said as he looked at Erza
"Soon but not yet"
Erza said as she put her hand on her stomach
"Please don't let this be like last time I don't want you going on anymore missions because I don't want you to go through what you went last time"
Jellal said with a sad but serious look on his face
"I promise it won't be like last time"
Ezra said as she held his hand
"Juvia is coming here tomorrow to help you get stuff for the baby"
Jellal said with a smile
"She knows I'm pregnant"
Erza said with a surprised look on her face
"Yes, she found out the day we did"
Jellal said with a smile
Erza said to Jellal
"You know how she calls every Wednesday to see if she's gonna be an aunt"
Jellal said to Erza
Erza said as Jellal chuckled
"She called Tuesday instead and I was on the phone with her when you told me"
Jellal said as he started to laugh then they heard a knock on the door and the doorbell rang
"Who is here"
Erza said as she picked up her cup of orange juice and took a sip
"I'll get it stay here and eat your breakfast"
Jellal said as he walked out of the room and after a few minutes he came back with Juvia
"I thought you were coming Tomorrow Juvia"
Erza said as they walked into the room
"Juvia deicide to come today to surprise you two"
Juvia said as she ran up to Erza and hugged her
"Hey Juvia you didn't hug me when you came in"
Jellal said as he put his arms out for a hug but Juvia ignored him
"Juvia where is Bora"
Erza asked Juvia
"Juvia Broke up with Bora"
Juvia said as Jellal noticed Juvia's tone in her voice change
"Juvia you should set up your stuff in your room it's the first room upstairs"
Jellal said as Juvia nodded and left the room
"Jellal what happened between Juvia and Bora she looked kinda sad and scared when I brought him up"
Erza asked Jellal as he sat on the bed
"I don't know what happened to her but  months ago she called me crying and asked me to pick her up from her house but when I got there everything in her house was everywhere there was a little blood on the floor torn pieces of clothes everywhere but she wouldn't tell me what happened and I had to take her to the hospital because she had bruises and some cuts"
Jellal said with a sad look on his face
"Jellal are you sure she wasn't" "No"
Erza said before Jellal interrupted her
"If something like that happened to her she would have told me she tells me everything"
Jellal said as Erza had a sad look on her face
Erza wanted to ask Juvia about it but she wasn't sure it is the best time to  bring that up
After a few minutes Juvia walked into the room
"Is it okay if Juvia takes a shower and where is the bathroom"
Juvia said as she stood by the door
"Down the hall on the left"
Erza said
"Okay thanks"
Juvia said as she walked to the bathroom
2 weeks later
Gray is out of the hospital and he is at Erza and Jellal's house
Gray's Pov

Gray knocked on the door and stood on the porch waiting for Jellal to open the door but to his surprise it wasn't Jellal who opened the door it was Juvia
"Who are you?"
Gray asked Juvia but Juvia was distracted by his abs
"Hello? Who are you?"
Gray asked again before he saw Jellal walk up behind Juvia
"Hey Gray this is my sister Juvia and button up your shirt so Juvia would stop staring at you"
Jellal said as Juvia stopped staring at Gray
"Okay, Hello Juvia my name is Gray nice to meet you"
Gray said as he buttoned up his shirt
"Juvia is sorry Juvia didn't mean to stare"
Juvia said to Gray 
"It's fine"
Gray said to Juvia
"Where is Erza"
Gray asked Jellal and Juvia
"In the bedroom"
Jellal said as he moved out of the way to let Gray in
Gray walked to the bedroom and saw Erza sitting in bed watching Demon Slayer
"Hello Erza congratulations on the baby"
Gray said to Erza
"How did you know?"
Erza asked Gray
"After you left the hospital the nurse told me that you asked her to do an ultrasound"
Gray said to Erza
"Oh Okay"
Erza said to Gray
"When did Jellal get another sister"
Gray asked Erza
"She didn't live in Magnolia until last week she moved in with us"
Erza said to Gray
"Okay she's kinda Beautiful"
Gray said to Erza
"Is Gray Fullbuster in love~~"
Erza said to Gray with a smirk on her face
"No Maybe I mean no i don't know"
Gray said to Erza
"Make up your mind Gray"
Erza said to Gray
"I just met her so i don't know yet"
Gray said to Erza
"You know people think you're gay"
Erza said to Gray
"I'm not Gay"
Gray said to Erza
Erza started laughing
"Then why don't you ask Juvia out"
Erza said to Gray
"Does she know what we do? Did Jellal tell her?"
Gray asked Erza
"No she doesn't know Jellal doesn't want to tell her"
Erza said to Gray
"Okay I'll ask her out"
Words ~ 1,003
I'll try to post Chapter Three soon

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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