Ash serena marriage anniversary part 2

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Red:-Misty Misty where are you

Misty:-what's the matter Red why are you shouting so much

Red:- you love me right

there to ask

Red :-so prove it now

Misty :-how can I prove it

Red:- you have to come with me to Ash and Serena's wedding anniversary and congratulate them yourself only then I will be convinced that you love me and not Ash

Misty:-What kind of condition have you put, I do not accept this. Before being my love, you are my friend. Tell them that a friend's compulsion should be understood. Tell them that I am considered dead. His mother does not even know anything. 5 years ago his mother had a heart attack because of me and why should I keep her in the house where I have only got pain. Questions have been raised against me. I have also become guilty of murder. I killed their son, their brother and someone's husband.

Red:-No Misty, you will have to come with me, no one will say anything to you, no one will insult you, I promise you and I want to tell everyone that you are not a murderer, you are a sensible and a good girl

In ash home

Serena:-When will they arrive? They are very late.

Ash:- You have invited someone?

Serena:-Yes, a very special person. I am waiting for him/her.

Delia :-Who is coming? Serena, your mom is not here.

Serena:-No mom, I have not invited my mother. I want to introduce you to someone. Who is it? She has already arrived. Hello, you have come. Okay, come.

They entered in house

Delia ash in shock

Delia:-she here in front of us

Ash:-you have invited them

Serena:-yes I invited misty, I wanted to meet my friend after so many years and how are you Misty,

Delia:-will you tell me what is all this happening,

he tells everything to his mom, how dare you step in because of this, house you are the murderer of my son get out

Red:-1 minute aunty you are elder I respect you but you have no right can you say such things about my feounsy

Misty:-See, that's why I told you we shouldn't come here, mom will get angry

Delia:-for a minute, I am not your mom, our relationship ended long ago when you and my son got divorced

Misty:-I am really sorry aunty

Ash:-mom please calm down

Delia :-who has invited her here

Serena:-I have invited her mom because I  want to clear all the old enmity with my friend

All employees coming

Employee 1 :-misty mam you

Employee:-I was sure that nothing can happen to Misty mam, I saw that she even kills death mam
, how are you


All the big businessmen come,

LILY:-look, this is Misty Water Flower, a famous business woman of Japan, she has faced a lot of struggle in her life but she has fulfilled her dream, ma'am, it was our dream to meet you, Mr Ash Ketchum, you invited ma'am, it was very good, we have to ask her a lot of questions THANKS

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