Ep 16 Clair De Lune part 2

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Extra long chapter got extra bored today -Minus


The wind whistled in Minos's nonexistant ears, and the thunderous explosions get louder. Minos prepares himself for battle and starts to pre charge serpent blasts at his fist.

If he wants any chance of ending this battle quickly, he'll need to take out the head first.

His focus darted across the battlefield as he observes as the absolute carnage.

The machines had finally made ebough footholds on to the ancient trees and began ripping off the large branches. Some held elves within their grasp and were getting them over the edge, making it rain blood.

Minos entered the fray with max speed.


The following explosion decimated parts of the crowd and sent huge shockwaves across the ground.

machines that withstood the intial blast recoiled and looked at Minos. Only for Minos to disappear from their optic's.

Machines look up and down for where Minos couldve gone, only for their eyes to be met with Serpent blasts to the head. Barreling through the air, Minos was throwing Serpents as fast as he could at the more densely packed crowds.

Guttermen and drones start to lock on and return fire at Minos while he was still airborn. Minos put his hands up and began to deflect the bullets.


Minos punched metal out the air at a rapid pace, and charged too a nearby gutter tank. Reeling his arm, Minos jammed his arm into the eyeslit of the machine, and pulled out a senew of scrapped metal and bloody gore. the machine lurched forward, holding it's metal guts, but Minos would give it no quarter. He lifted the machine with almost no struggle and jumped into the air. Rotating as fast as he could and threw the machine back into the crowd.
While midair Minos continued to scan for the head of the army.

His search ended as he hear loud screaming from the tree tops. The direction it came from had no machines who had reached the top. something got up fast without assistence. might as well check it out, Minos thought. Tensing his legs, he dashed into the branches with a loud crash.

as the dust settled Minos could see his investigation was fruitful. Standing before him was a red and black stained machine, black ink seeped from the metal cracks, and gilded wings whirred in the dust.

This machine, the similarity of it, the memory of it made Minos burn in hatred.

"Creature of steel, you return to torment my goals once more. Even you now sport a tainted look. Your bloodlust makes me burn with the fury of a thousand suns."

The machine held a decapitated elf's head and tossed it towards Minos. it fell with a wet splat.

"I dont know who you're kidding, you weird freak. But I have no records of a white, naked man, with a massive hole in his face. Was the injury on your face my fault? I'm so sorry I couldn't remember you, you must've been quiet a weak opponent if I can't even remember you."

Minos tightened his grip.

"Arrogant weapon, you are not the same Machine I fought. Looking at you now, I realise you are a mockery of V1, you pi-"

The red machine reeled in a static bellow. V2 was laughing at Minos.

"Oh, no wonder I don't remember you. It's cause you lost to a lesser machine before I even got the chance to see you. What a joke, comparing me to that useless walking scrap."

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