i did something bad||2

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The gossip box looked so empty. Like, so empty. "I should write something in there", Sabrina thought.
"So, an unmoderated caucus is.." 

She raised her hand and asked for a message paper.

What could she write? She examined all of the classroom. Who should I write a gossip about?

Sudan? No.

France? Nope.

Colombia? Ummm...No!

Greece. Perfect.

She quickly grabbed a pen.

To: Gossip Box     From:-

Greece's hair looks so fluffy

You see, it was obvious that she didn't know how to write a gossip. But she thought that this was the way to write it.

When Sabrina was about to throw the gossip into the box, Betty nudged her.

"I don't think that you should write it like that." Betty said. Betty had also asked for a paper, but she didn't write anything. Only thing that she had written was "From: The Kingdom of Denmark."

Sabrina thought for a bit. "Why would they put a 'From' part if we weren't going to write anything there?"

She quickly changed the paper.

To: Greece    From: Denmark

Greece's hair looks so fluffy

She folded the paper, motioning the admin to come on get her paper, and to throw it to the gossip box.

The gossip box.


Admin grabbed her paper, opening and reading it. Admin placed a teasing smile on his face. Then he started to walk over Greece.

Sabrina's eyes widened, her face going pale.

Holy shit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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