#104: Aurora the Seer (Fire and Aether)

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Full Name: Aurora the Seer

Titles: Seer, Witch, Princess, Queen

Nicknames: Aura (by most people)

Voiced by: Evanna Lynch

Voiced by: Evanna Lynch

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Age: unknown

Species: Seer, witch

Powers: seeing the future, witchcraft, spiritual power

Weapon of Choice: wand

Family: all the casters

Friends: Team Avatar, aetherbenders, casters

Enemies: the Fire Lord and the witches

Love Interest: Prince Jasper

Occupation: teacher for the Avatar, fortune teller, then Princess and queen

Alignment: HERO

Loyalties: to the Avatar and the world

Outfits: above ^^

Backstory: Mostly unknown. She was born before the time of Wan. Ever since, she has assisted the Avatar so that they can fulfill their duties to the world.

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