#116: Logan (Deal With the Devil)

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Full Name: Logan

Nicknames: Lo (by the family)

Voiced by: Tom Felton

Age: about 20 now (17 when he joined the family)

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Age: about 20 now (17 when he joined the family)

Species: sinner demon

Powers: super strength, speed, and endurance, immortality, heightened senses

Abilities: good with knives, guns, and poison

Weapon of Choice: knives

Mentored by: his siblings, mostly Rose

Type of demon: sinner

Subclass: normal sinner demon

Original Ring: Pride

Family: unnamed human parents, Rosabella (adoptive eldest sister), Jordan (adoptive eldest brother), Blake (adoptive brother), Pandora (adoptive sister), Violet (adoptive sister), and Angel (adoptive niece)

Friends: the inhabitants of Hazbin Hotel

Enemies: those that mess with Rose as she was the first to show him kindness

Occupation: works at the Hazbin Hotel as a receptionist

Alignment: NEUTRAL

Loyalties: to his family

Above ^^

Backstory: see Rosabella

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