《Losing Them Was Like Losing Myself》

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Warnings: Post Break Up, crying, strong emotions, strong language, mentions of past relationship, mattheo wanting her back, and them getting back together.

Y/n's POV:

It's been around 2 weeks since me and Mattheo broke up, and it has been hell. I still cry myself to sleep, I still miss him, I still want him.

I would be wrong to say I'm not a mess because it would be a lie. I am more than a mess, honestly. Anytime I see anything that reminds me of Mattheo, I want to cry my eyes out, I want to go back to him and apologise, I miss him.

Losing him was like losing myself.

Mattheo's POV:

It has been 2 weeks since me and Y/N broke up, it still tears me apart. The girl I swore I would have married, the girl that helped me, the girl that changed me for the better, gone.

Every morning I dread waking up, I miss waking up next to her, the sweet smell of her hair, the way she would beg me to not go to my morning classes, now there is no cuddles, there is no begging, now there is no her.

The girl I swore I would marry, the girl I swore was the one, the girl I loved, the girl that changed me for the better, the girl that was my life and my lifeline, is the girl that is no longer here.

Losing her was like losing myself.

Y/n's POV:

There I lay on my bed, crying into my pillow, will the pain of this ever truly go away?

I feel helpless, like truly helpless, I need him back, I need his warmth, I need him to hold me once more, I don't want him, I need him.

I dread every morning even more now that he isn't here, I dread not waking up to his sweet scent, I dread not waking up to his warmth, I dread waking up.

Everything I do reminds me of him, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I miss him, I need him back.

Losing him was like losing myself.

Mattheo's POV:

As I walk down the crowded corridor I can't help but think about her, I used to always walk with my hand around her shoulder, holding her close, now I'm alone.

I walk to her dorm, knocking on the door hoping she would answer, waiting for the door to open was like waiting for an eternity.

I need her, I need her back before I breakdown. I need her more than anything.

I look like shit right now, I mean I have thinned, gone pale, acquired dark circles around my eyes, and my hair a mess.

Like I said, losing her was like losing myself.

Y/N's POV:

A knock on my door, who could it be?

I go to open my door, dreading it, I have dark circles under my eyes, I am pale and unnaturally thin, I look unwell.

It's him.

I immediately run into his arm and start crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I need you I need you," I sob into his chest.

Mattheo's POV:

I'm holding her in my arms once more, stroking her hair and comforting her as she sobs in my chest, I needed her back.

I am once more holding the girl I love, It feels nice to be back with her, seeing her the way she is breaks my heart, she needed me as well.

we both needed each other.

Because, Losing Them was like Losing myself.

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