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QUEST OBJECTIVE: Open the door.

Eona and Anduin broke apart. Varian Wrynn's booming voice came from the other side of the double doors. A shiver ran through Eona's body as she sprinted off the bed, looking around Anduin's quarters awash in gold from the hearth. Everything was bright, illuminated. There weren't many shadows to hide in. And even if there were, Varian Wrynn wasn't an idiot.

"Can you keep to the shadows?" Anduin whispered even as he stood inches away from her. His hands squeezed her shoulders.

"I'm not stealthing with your father in the room! He hunts — his bestie is Valeera Sanguinar!" Eona hissed. No. Hiding wasn't an option. Because if she was found...

"Anduin!" Varian called again, followed by two pounds of his fist against the door. The oak shuddered from the hit.

Eona shot another glance at Anduin. She realized that his clothes were ever so slightly wrinkled. On anyone else, it wouldn't matter. But on a prince as regal and refined as Anduin, it was a bright red flag. And he still hasn't answered the door. That screams suspicious.

Eona sighed. "Answer the door."

"What?" Color had completely fled Anduin's cheeks.

"Go see him," said Eona.

Anduin didn't just lose his redness; his face paled, his expression nearly sickened, as if a plague was on the other side of the door. His fear easily summoned her own. She clenched her fists to avoid the tremors that racked her body.

Anduin turned away from her and walked towards the entrance.

Breath rushed past Eona's lips as she snapped her eyes shut. She focused on her skin, like it was its own appendage — like an eye that could be opened or closed, a fist that could unfurl.

The door groaned as it opened.

"Yes?" said Anduin. He held one of the two doors halfway open, only revealing himself.

There was a pause on the other side. "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine."

"You look nervous," said Varian.

"It's called introvertism. You wished to discuss something with me? I could hear the urgency in your tone," said Anduin.

For a moment, Eona listened to the silence. She felt her heartbeat in her palms. The steam had receded from her form, leaving her scalp awkwardly warm with humidity.

"...It can wait." The door was pushed open wide as the hulking king shouldered past his son, and into the room.

Varian Wrynn was intimidating without the title of king. His physique could've been mistaken for a giant bear. Even in the plain attire of a linen shirt and trousers, the fabric seemed exhausted and taut from the muscle underneath.

A messy, brown bun bounced on his head as Varian entered the room. As soon as his narrowed eyes fell upon Eona, his hair — along with the rest of him — froze.

It was the bronze dragon, Chromie, who taught Eona how to change forms. Eona couldn't achieve dragon form (and probably never would), but dragons had the ability to warp their humanoid forms. A simple transformation from half-elf to human was uncomfortable, but doable.

Sweat slickened Eona's palms as she clasped them in front of her. It was difficult to tell whether Varian's wordless gaze or the heat of changing forms was the cause. Turnip-pink skin turned a warm brown. Brown curls ending in rose-gold tips replaced straight, red hair.

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