Rebuilding a bridge

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We begin this story zooming in multi-story building with windows along the wall with the morning sun shining through them. We begin zooming in on a window on the third floor right in the middle of the others. There we see two girls scheming together in order to prank their dorm mate in order to get revenge for all the bad puns and pranks she pulls. They decided to use her scroll to prank her. However when they turned on her scroll they saw a picture of her next to a guy with a skateboard propped up against him and arm around her shoulders, with both of them smiling brightly with their faces close together. Instantly they wondered who the guy was cause Yang never mentioned she was in a relationship Nevermind ever mentioning a guy. So what is the context of this photo. That was Ruby woke up along with Yang, the two sisters immediately saw Weiss and Blake standing there with a scroll or more specifically Yangs yellow and white scroll. Yangs face immediately paled and Ruby groggily looked confused. Seeing Yangs reaction they started to smirk before going into interrogation mode.

Blake: So Yang who is this?


Weiss: Now now Yang no need to get so feisty after all it's just a simple question why are you so defensive. Don't tell me no one knows about your boyfriend?~

Yang: HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND, at least not anymore...

Blake: O-Oh I'm sorry Yang... what happened?

Yang: He...He passed away.

Weiss: S-Sorry Yang.

Yang: Can I have my scroll back please...

Weiss walked forward and handed yangs scroll back to her and muttered one more apology before heading out of the dorm to the roof she wanted to call her sister and get advice on how to make up for what she just did. She shouldn't have pushed especially when it was someone Yang cared about who died. She should have seen the signs Yang was obviously flirtatious but never showed interest in getting into a relationship she had even gotten flirted with but turned the guy down immediately and whenever the topic of boys came up when they were with their female friends on a separate team she always excused herself left and Ruby had always looked at Yang with concern whenever that happened. Weiss was ashamed of herself for not noticing or even asking her if she was okay. But Weiss would be damned if she didn't make this up to her teammate. After the whole situation with Blake she had promised herself to be a better teammate and right now she was failing extremely hard in that aspect. Weiss had been so deep in thought that she didn't even realize that she was standing at the edge of the roof. When she snapped out of it Weiss saw the rising sun entranced by it's beauty snapping out of another trance she took out her scroll and went into her contacts she began scrolling until finally winter popped up and using the speed dial to call her sister it was picked up on the second.

Winter: Good morning Weiss I assume you have a reason to call me this early?

Weiss: Yes I do sister I was wondering if you knew how to cheer up a friend after making a mistake?

Winter: Is this about that Blake girl again?

Weiss: No *sigh* I wanted to get back at my teammate yang for all the bad puns and pranks she pulls on us so me and Blake conspired and we decided to try and change her scroll home-screen to something scary cause she always looks at her lock screen first thing in the morning. Today me and Blake figured out why and it was her boyfriend who died last year. I want to make it up to her.

Winter: Get her something she enjoys like say if she enjoys riding a bike or motorcycle or something get her something related to that.

Weiss: You're right thank you winter also can I cash in a favor?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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