Meetings the The Heralds

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Angels Lament

Hello Everyone and welcome back to another Chapter of Angel's Lament. I don't really have any announcements to say so let's begin...

Chapter 26: Meetings with the Heralds

Jane was hesitant to meet with whoever were Sister Ellias Superiors, but if her seeing Kaiden was dependent on speaking to them she was willing to do it, if only for Kaiden. After Agreeing to meet her Superiors, Ellia left, the Hospitaller giving Garrus one last glare before she was gone. Jane had then quickly gotten dressed in something more official-looking than her under armor. The Cloths she chose being an armored suit given to her some time ago by the Councilors in the hopes the gift would make her forgive them for not fully reinstating her as a Spectre. She had lied and said it would do as a peace offering but she mainly just did it to get some of their information brokers off her back. The suit was black like N7 armor, with a silver-colored Spectre emblem. Jane only really wore it as it was her only armor she had left that wasn't broken or covering in Collector blood.

Once that was done Jane left the Normandy accompanied by Garrus and Tali, as both had asked to join her in the hopes of seeing what was happening to Kaiden. Also tagging along were Jacob, Kelly, and Miranda as Jane felt due to them already having met Angels they would be fine meeting with them again. But before she even left the Normandy Jane was subject to a reality check.

She had expected to see the Cargo Bay shutters open to reveal the usual connection tunnel that most ships used to dock together, but this wasn't the case. What she walked out to see was a football field-sized chamber that was alive with activity as people in strange robes or in bizarre military uniforms rushed around doing their tasks and their own things, some of these people conversing together while others worked by themselves. The chamber was so large Jane felt almost like she had stepped aboard Omega from the massive space she found herself in.

Jane hearing Tali exclaim, the Quarian staring at the size of the chamber. "Keelah Se'lai! You sure this is a Ship, Shepard?"

Jane could only agree with her question, but she quickly pushed past that ordered her team to follow her as she walked down the ramp the Normandy had just dropped onto the crimson decking of the Angels ship.

Garrus saying to Tali as they descended the ramp. "I mean they called it a ship when they took us here. Apparently it's named the Angel's Retribution, as their leader called it that when he told us where we were going."

Tali responded to Garrus quickly her voice shining with the enthusiasm of a mechanic. "What else did they say about it?"

Garrus shrugged saying. "Nothing else really, other than they told us not to snoop around, and that the ship was sacred to them for some reason."

Jane listened absent-mindedly as she took her first steps onto the crimson steel that made the decking of the ship, the clang of the metal sounding stranger than any metal Jane had ever heard before. But before Jane could walk any farther she saw a woman approaching them most of the woman's body covered in a strange and almost religious looking robe. The sudden appearance of the strangely clothed woman being enough to silence Tali as she was trying to ask Garrus another question.

The woman was small, maybe five feet tall at most but she walked with a strange aura as though she could walk through the hell without being afraid. Her robe was crimson red, like absolutely everything, the robe also possessing a hood which she used to cover her face as she approached. Jane moved to meet the woman, the rest of her team following Jane's lead but at a greater distance than before.

They all met quickly after that, the woman being the first to speak. As she spoke she lifted her hood showing her face finally. Her face was pretty, and relatively young but it seemed to show with fatigue like she had felt little rest recently. But despite her tired expression she seemed to also be deceptively awake, as though despite her exhaustion she was more understanding of all that was going on, even more than Jane was.

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