A Shepard Gathers Her Flock

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Angels Lament

Thank you so much to all those who have Favorited, Followed, and Reviewed! And to answer the Question I received they are not going to be happy letting aliens live but like most Blood Angels (In the Books) they have a more neutral outlook on Xenos and are more willing to let them live or even fight alongside them. An example of this is the Cryptus Campaign, where the Blood Angels teamed up with the Necrons. As well as I just find the 'Death to all Xenos' angle as boring and done enough. So that is my answer and that's how it will be for the fic, they won't go full purge but they will stop things and beings they see as a threat to humanity.

Now onto Chapter 2...

Chapter Two: A Shepherd Gathers Her Flock

Jane Shepard awoke in her Captain's Quarters on the Normandy SR2. The Normandy was docked at the Citadel currently refueling after they picked up the Master Thief. It was Jane's third day back on the Normandy and she still wasn't even close to feeling normal. Shepard threw her legs over the edge and sighed while sitting herself up. After rubbing her hands across her face, she stopped to feel the scarred skin under her fingertips on her left cheek. A byproduct of the Lazarus Project was scarred tissue on her face and body. Though she had slowly started to heal the scars still remained. She looked at the clock next to her bed and saw it was 10 o'clock universal standard time. Shepard stood up and walked to the wardrobe. She opened it and took out her normal clothes and put them on. It was a standard grey and white short sleeve shirt and a pair of black pants, both to her chagrin carrying Cerberus logos. Once she had done her hair and brushed her teeth she walked to her weapons locker. She grabbed out her trusty Carnifex heavy pistol and holstered it on her right side. She went to her desk and sat down. She still felt the 'Enhancements' and bionic parts she had. She still wasn't used to them, but at least the pain the implants had originally given her had begun to subside. Thinking away from her woes Shepard opened her terminal and looked to see if she had any new messages. There were three. One was from the Engineering bay requesting some new engine parts. The second was from Mess Sergeant Gardner asking about getting some better food for the kitchen and some new cleaning supplies, having run out of some he had. 'That man does take his job seriously, day two and he's already running out of some.' Then the second was from the Illusive Man. Though it still bothered her that she didn't know the real name of the man she was working for, he at least thus far had given her no reason to distrust him. The message was about how he had managed to track down some leads on her new 'Squad Mates."

Shepard still loathed not being able to work with all her old team. They had been her family and now they still thought she was dead and most had moved on. She couldn't blame them it had been two full years since she had died. Though the wound was made even sorer by Tali's reaction upon seeing Shepard alive, and working for Cerberus. The betrayal in Tali's voice was as clear as day. Shepard had given Veetor, the injured Quarian, to Tali on Freedom's Progress in the hopes that it would show Tali she was still her old self and that even though Shepard was working for Cerberus she wasn't like them. After this, she had finally been given her new ship, the SR2 Normandy. Through this Shepard had been able to reunite with two of her old crew, Joker, and doctor Chawkas. The three had been talking all night catching up and reminiscing about the days of hunting down Saren, the rogue Spectre. Shepard had finally gotten to bed around 4 o'clock, universal standard time. That meant she had only slept 6 hours, though despite that her body felt fine. But it wasn't her body that was tired it was her head. She was tired of being told everything she had fought and died for had been almost all for naught. The second she had died the Citadel had thrown everything she had done under the rug and called the Reapers to be not real. That the attack on the Citadel was simply a very large Geth attack and nothing more. They had even thrown her name under the bus for her belief and hunt of the Reapers. Calling her delusional and far too paranoid, and then piece by piece did the same thing to anyone who spoke out against them or believed in her.

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