Post for Wips, art, ideas and more (not a chapter obviously)

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Here's the drawing I made of Alastor in the last chapter! I couldn't find a reference of the waist coat I envisioned so I just used one I thought looked cool. I also kinda completely gave up after the hair. Shit took forever 😭
I couldn't resist giving him a cute lil deer nose
Just now realizing I forgot there was supposed to be a stray curl on his forehead- FUCK-

If you click on my profile you will see a new story published
It's going to have a lot of my art, future wips for this story and others, writing tips i've found, ideas and a whole bunch of other stuff.

If you guys are interested in any of it I already have a wip of the next chapter posted up there
A very small part of it that I thought would be fun to share
. . . . . . .
Yea that's it-

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