Chapter 6 - I Just Wanna Dance

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A song came on that I love. I spotted a group of guys and gals who were enjoying the same song and started dancing with them. I walked into the crowd with my hands in the air, pumping in time to the beats. The dark haired lad immediately reacted and pulled me into the group. Two girls and two guys had huge smiles on their faces and we danced, jumped around and laughed, track after track.

"You are amazing! Are you have a good night?!" Shouted the dark haired lad who first spotted me coming towards them

I turned into his ear and shouted "I am. Thanks! I love this track." When the next track started mixing into the last. He nodded with the music "yeah! I do too!"

He's called Joey and came with his girlfriend Jamie. His best friend Dan and girlfriend Sam. Sam and Jamie are budding actors and knew each other from the restaurant where they work part-time. Joey works in the finance sector and Dan is studying but also works at the restaurant but as a bar tender.

"Who are you with baby doll?"

I laughed and said "if I told, I'd have to kill you!"

Joey laughed unsure if he understood the joke, "Erm, why?"

"You wouldn't believe me so I'll wait until they come and find me. They won't have realised I've disappeared" I shrug and turn back to dancing

Joey looked concerned now and grabbed me shoulders "hey you're not being kidnapped or trafficked are you?"

I throw my head back as I shake my head and laugh, realising how bad my comment sounded. "Stick around and you'll see. I promise you will be surprised."

Joey looked intrigued, shrugged his shoulders "ok. Can't wait for the big reveal."

We point to the ceiling when we hear the teasing beats of the upcoming track.

Half an hour later I need a drink and ask the group if they wanted anything from the bar. Joey asked the group "yea I'll come with you. After that comment about killing me, I better make sure you are not drugging us. " he laughed nervously.

I laughed " you have nothing to worry about!" I pointed to Dan, "he on the other hand.." I winked with a mischievous smile. "Come on" I turned towards the bar and groaned.

The dance floor is about twenty deep of entranced ravers. As I found a gap, a hand grabbed my arm. I looked up and it was Justin. He eyed Joey and asked "Where are you going...with this guy?"

"Oh fuck. Yea you're supposed to be looking out for me right?" I shouted. I looked for Blondie who looked a drunken mess, stood behind him. I pointed to Blondie "Have you two been having a good night?" Raising my eyebrow looking unimpressed.

Justin turned around, shook his head "I've been worried sick. Watching you from afar, making sure..." he gestures towards Joey. Who was staring with wide eyes and a very worried look on his face.

"Shit. Yea" I turned to Joey and back to Justin then introduced them to each other.

Justin took his hand out to shake Joey's and clapped Joey on the back of his shoulder. "Yo. What's up"

Justin turned back to me and said "Introductions over. Where were you two going?"

"You are so possessive! We were going to the bar to get his girlfriend and friends a drink. If you have really stood there watching us then I'm sure you realised we were dancing our asses off. And we're now in need of a much needed drink!"

Justin nodded in agreement whilst opening a path to the nearest bar, "After you...I'll get this round".

He leant back to let Joey and I pass. I grabbed Joey's hand and made our way through the dancing crowd, finally to the bar. I found an empty stool near where I last saw Leo and brunette. I plonked myself down, looked over Joey's shoulder to see Justin with blondie following closely behind.

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