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TW: Death, murder, swearing

I don't know. I don't know. I am not ok. That's what I know. He just discarded the body like it was nothing. He wasn't nothing. He was the one person in this whole mess who understood me. Actually understood me and what goes on in my mind. And he practically gave the bones to stray dogs in an alley as a chew toy. What the fuck?

I am not ok. But he expects me to be. I've been doing this for so long I should be numb by now. But I'm not. I am a human fucking being, with humanoid fucking feelings. I can feel pain. Physical and mental. So why am I meant to be ok???

There's one thing to be happy about though. We have gotten the fuck out of Texas. Next stop is Georgia, then New York, then Mass—just for one night and one big deal—and then Vermont. I don't know where, but he never tells me where, but we'll be there around late March to mid-April.

Part of me hopes I can go home. But the chance of him taking me home is just as low as my chance of surviving. Almost zero.

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