midnight drink

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I was waiting at the office, watching the rain beat on the windows. Everyone was by now gone and went to celebrate with their ownselves, family, or lovers. But yet, I was stuck at the office.

I found it as my comfort spot, but somehow, I seem to distance myself from it over and over. Ranpo-san told me not to worry, I know that.

Once I got my bag, I wiped down my long fabric skirt that had some dust at the bottom.
My heels stomped against the marble of the floor, echoing throughout the stairwell. The night was calm, and it was nice not to see the lamp poles shine through the cafe's windows.

There was a moment as I walked down the sidewalk, reminding me how much I took for granted. I loved the agency and all, but I couldn't seem to be comfortable with it just yet.

As soon as I had stopped in front of my apartment building, the rain poured heavier, building up tension in the air.
I messed up my hair softly, making sure not to take out the dandelion colored butterfly hair clip. My hair was slightly wet, along with my clothes.

Stepping into the building, I wiped my feet on the doormat and greeted the desk manager. "Hello, Erin. Nice to see you, have a great night," my voice cracked as I waved at him.

Erin was a nice guy who I always knew since I moved in. I'm glad I met him. Stopping in front of my building, I had got out my keys. Unlocking the door, I tossed it open and freely took off my shoes at the entrance.

Upon entering, I caught a glimpse of my balcony door open. As I thought nothing of it, I shut it and turned to sit down on my couch.

Usually, after work, I would have a bit to drink to get my high something. But now, I was too tired to talk and walk. I wanted to sleep now.
When I heard a door opening, I lazily sat up.

"Hey there, butterfly," Kouyou walked in with her wet pink hair intertwined with one of my towels.
"You helped yourself to my house, ay?" I spoke, now leaning against the headrest of the couch. One leg was over the other as I stared at her.

She sat beside me, nudging my side. Was she wanting cuddles? I held my arm around her. I hadn't noticed before, but she had wrapped another towel around her body.

Maybe I was too tired to notice, or I just didn't care. She raised her head objectively, glaring at me with her beautiful crimson eyes. "Hm?" I answered, staring right back at her.

She touched my cheek softly before placing a kiss on my jawline. Close enough, I thought.

Without a thought, I had held her head against my chest, getting us into a more comfortable position. Yet, I bet Kouyou was having problems right now. She groaned as I accidently nudged her chest.

"Sorry, if you want, you can go change. I'll wait," I pushed her over.

"Sure thing, I'll steal your clothes," she said before happily hopping away from me. I never really noticed, but she was cute as hell. I would do anything for her. A moment later, she hopped back into the room with black shorts and a tanktop on.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you not wearing traditional Japanese clothing," she happily sat back on the couch but more politely. "Mh... can you lay down?" Kouyou glanced at me.

I nodded softly before leaning myself back. She laid her head on my chest. Every now and then, she would grasp my waist to get comfortable. We waited there for a moment, not talking, just utter silence.

The only thing that could have been heard was probably my heart beating fast.
We stayed like that for a while, until my neck started aching. "Kou~ My neck hurts. Mind if we switch up and go to bed?" As expected, Kouyou ended up shaking her head and running off into the bedroom.

I smiled as I walked behind her. I never expected myself to be falling for a mafioso, but here I am.

After I had changed out of my clothes, I came back to Kouyou holding a bottle of champagne. "Well, come over here. You want to celebrate, yea?" Kouyou patted the seat beside her. I smirked softly and brought myself to sit next to her.

By then, the night had been passed midnight, and soon, the sun would come up. We talked for a while about our coworkers, home life, all basic things. When she held my hand, my heart dropped. I mean, we've held hands before, but the way she looked at me now. It was as if I was going to be pulled into a portal.

She leaned in softly, brushing some hair behind my ear before our lips touched. I softly kissed her back, placing my hands on her shoulders.

We backed away a moment, just staring at each other.

"Wanna continue?" I blurted out.

Kouyou stared at me for a second, then shook her head. "Let's just head off to sleep, k?" And with that, I laid down on the bed as Kouyou was putting up the bottle and cleaning up some stuff around the house.

Once she was done, she laid down beside me, twirling her finger in my hair. "Maybe you should pit this off to the side," she grabbed a hold of the butterfly clip, and I jolted.

"..i-... sorry... I'll put it up myself," I took it out slowly, sweating a bit. I felt so bad for not letting Kouyou handle this. I just don't want it to be damaged since it means so much to me.

After I put the clip in my side of the closet, I laid back down with Kouyou whilst holding her hand. She smiled a bit before her tiredness had taken over her. And I'm pretty sure my tiredness took over me, too.

In the early morning, I had woken up to Kouyou gone. Although she left a note, it hurt my feelings.

     "I'll be back later Yo-yo, make sure you eat some breakfast before I head back. Xoxo"

She might've been called out to handle some things at the port mafia base, so I didn't complain.

When it came to being alone, I kind of excelled at it. The doorbell rang as soon as I had reached the kitchen. "Coming!" I ran over to the door, looked through the peephole, and opened the door.

"Ranpo! Why're you here?" He hopped on in. "Me and Poe were gonna see if you wanted to go on a trip!" Poe followed after, quietly keeping his head down. It was kinda easy to tell that Poe had a crush on Ranpo.

"Sure, where to?" I spoke, sitting on my couch.

"To... drum roll..... the amusement park!" Ranpo exclaimed. I wasn't much a fan of amusement parks, but I didn't want ranpo to be upset.

"Ok then, this weekend?.. if we don't have anything or anyone to interrupt us?" I sighed. Poe's raccoon, Karl, squeaked. Ranpo was short when standing beside anyone, especially Poe.

"Yippee! Then I'll just have to make sure my weekend is free!" Ranpo waved me goodbye as he flew out of the apartment. Poe just followed after, obviously mesmerized by him.

Sick love bugs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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