Chapter 2: Jade Palace

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After Tigress and her friends turned in the bandits over to the guards the group including Austin made their way to the Valley of Peace, while the group made their way to the Valley of Peace Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Crane got to know Austin a little as they traveled to their destination such as his hobbies, likes, and dislikes after three days of traveling on foot the group arrived at their destination. 

Austin: So this is the Valley of Peace, it does have a peacefully vibe to it. 

Monkey: That's why Grand Master Oogway gave the valley its name. 

Tigress: Come on let's get to the Jade Palace. 

The group then began to walk towards the village at the bottom of the valley. 

Mantis: Hey, does it seem that Tigress seems less serious for the past three days? 

Monkey: I know right it must be because of Austin's past was also similar to her own actually might have made her a little happy. 

Tigress: I can hear you two, if you stop right now I won't make you go through three weeks of sparing with me. 

Mantis and Monkey then went quite, when the group entered the village the villagers were whispering and pointing at Austin as he walked with the Furious Five but the young man didn't look at the villagers and continued on walking with the Furious Five, when the group made it the stairs that lead to the Jade Palace the group was shocked to see Austin not painting from going up all the stairs.

Crane: How are you not painting from come up the stairs, we know you participated in a martial art but surely you don't have that much stamina. 

Austin: There's more to me than what your eyes are seeing Crane.

The Furious Five looked confused but then shrugged it off as they opened the palace doors, when the palace doors were opened the group walked into a huge hallway, Austin took note of the several weapons aliened in the hall on pedestals then he notices a red panda and a Galapagos Island tortoise mediating by a pool on the far side of the hall. 

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The group then walked up to the two and bowed to them

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The group then walked up to the two and bowed to them. 

Tigress: Masters we have returned. 

Red panda: So we see, care to explain why you brought a stranger with you, this is a sacred place to train those in the art of Kung Fu not a hotel. 

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