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SEVEN YEARS IS A LONG TIME TO spend with the same person, but Delilah still found herself as obsessed with her husband as she was when they first fell in love. They're as happy as ever. At least, that's what Delilah was trying to convince herself.

Joe had been so distant since the start of the season, but Delilah couldn't blame him, not really. Coming off of a major Super Bowl win, the team had even higher expectations to meet this year. Joe was under a lot of pressure. Delilah had been trying her best to be supportive, but she was also preoccupied. Between taking care of three kids, and trying to rebuild the women's national team roster from scratch, she couldn't say she'd been any more attentive to her husband as he'd been to her.

Rain and Joshua had both been spending more and more time away from home, their responsibilities with sports and school taking more time out of their day. Even Joshua seemed to be living his own life away from his family. Now 5, he had friends, was playing piano, and sometimes didn't come in to Joe and Delilah's bedroom and kiss them good night. Delilah wasn't sad, though. She was happy because everyone else was happy.

It was a late night again. The kids were already asleep in their rooms upstairs, and Joe and Delilah were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, computers resting in their laps. Each of them were studying film for upcoming games in the next week. Delilah's headphones were covering her ears, she couldn't focus on her work with the hum of the air conditioning and the quiet shouts coming from Joe's laptop.

"Were you still planning on brunch tomorrow?" Joe spoke up, before noticing the noise canceling headphones covering his wife's ears. He reached over and tapped her leg softly, and she lifted her head, pulling the headphones off. Joe felt his stomach turn when she smiled at him, butterflies running crazy as his cheeks flushed. Most men would hate melting like this for a woman they've known for almost ten years, but Joe never got sick of it.

He repeated his question, and Delilah clicked her calendar, scrolling to tomorrow morning. Her eyes read the busy day of meetings, but it seemed like tomorrow morning would be free. She would be rushing, but at least she was still able to go.

"It'll be a tight squeeze, but I should be all good." Joe leaned over and kissed her cheek, his hand sneaking between her thighs, that had widened significantly in the past year. Delilah pushed herself up slightly, trying to lessen the amount of space her legs were taken up. Embarrassment riddled her body when her husband inevitably noticed her change in demeanor.

"Are you okay, baby?" Joe furrowed his brow, Delilah clearing coughing awkwardly to clear her throat.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, that's all." She shrugged her shoulders, pulling her hair from behind her ears. Joe wasn't entirely convinced but he knew pushing for more of answer probably wouldn't work in his favor.

"Want me to make you a bath? We have that new pinot grigio, if you want it." Delilah felt Joe's hand stroke the back of her head gently. She appreciated his offer, even the wine. Even though Delilah had never been a drinker, usually is seen with her signature Shirley Temple more than other drinks, lately, sitting down with a glass at night has become rather enticing.

"That does sound nice..." Sighing, she closed her laptop and placed it on the coffee table in front of her.

"Yeah?" Joe leaned forward again, this time meeting his lips with hers, a small sigh leaving his mouth. It sent chills down her spine. His hands made their way to her hips, pulling her towards him, his fingertips massaging her dark skin as he helped her climb on top of him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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