ch 21-30

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Chapter 21

  Production risks.

  The day after Xia Qingtang and Su Xun met, Huo Zeshang came home.

  When Xia Qingtang woke up, he saw Huo Zeshang changing clothes before he woke up. His uniform was casually placed on the back of the chair, and he was only wearing a familiar white shirt.

  Xia Qingtang was stunned and subconsciously touched the other side of the bed. Sure enough, he found that the shirt that accompanied him was missing and was now worn by Huo Zeshang.

  His face suddenly became hot. Thinking that he had been sleeping with this piece of clothing in his arms these days, it must be covered with his own pheromones.

  "Change to another one. This one should be washed..." Xia Qingtang said hurriedly when she saw Huo Zeshang starting to button up.

  Huo Zeshang glanced at him and said, "No need."

  His tone was almost indifferent, and his eyes were cold, blocking everything Xia Qingtang wanted to say.

  "Come down and eat."

  After leaving these words, he left. Xia Qingtang was dazed on the bed for a while, then got up, changed clothes and went out.

  When he went down, Huo Zeshang was already sitting at the dining table, and he only glanced at him.

  Xia Qingtang just met Su Xun yesterday, and Huo Zeshang came back. He probably found out about their meeting from his subordinates.

  He even suspected that he was still in contact with Su Xun before. The two chatted for a while yesterday, and the suspicion is probably getting worse now.

  Xia Qingtang went back to his room after breakfast. He didn't want to go out when Huo Zeshang came back. Otherwise, Huo Zeshang would go out with him, and he would enjoy being alone more.

  In the past, Huo Zeshang would stay in the study, but today not long after Xia Qingtang returned to the room, Huo Zeshang also came in.

  Xia Qingtang was reading a book. When he looked up and saw him, he couldn't concentrate. Seeing that Huo Zeshang had sat down next to him and read the documents and showed no intention of leaving. Xia Qingtang had to put down the book and thought he was calm. Planning to go to the second bedroom.

"Where should I go?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up, Huo Zeshang put down the documents and stared at him with eyes as sharp as swords.

Xia Qingtang was stunned for a moment and said, "I won't disturb your work."

Huo Zeshang looked at him for a moment and said, "I won't bother you."

Xia Qingtang had no choice but to sit down again.

He didn't disturb Huo Zeshang's work, but Huo Zeshang disturbed his reading. Huo Zeshang's pheromone presence was so strong that Xia Qingtang couldn't concentrate at all.

What's more, his current relationship with Huo Zeshang is already delicate. He doesn't know what Huo Zeshang is thinking about now. It's so abnormal today, which will only make people feel tortured.

After sitting for a while, Xia Qingtang still couldn't sit still. He stood up and said, "I'll go for a walk."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Zeshang put down the documents and stood up, saying calmly, "I'll accompany you."

"No need."


Huo Zeshang looked at him, his dark eyes seeming to reflect the starless night sky, and there was an invisible sense of oppression.

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