Chapter One

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over Jaylee's bedroom as she lay nestled beneath the covers, lost in the blissful embrace of sleep. But her peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by the sound of her bedroom door creaking open, followed by the unmistakable voice of her younger sister, Sami.

"Jaylee, wake up!" Sami's voice rang out, bursting with excitement. "It's opening night for my show, 'Once upon a Mattress', and I'm forcing you to see it!"

Jaylee groaned, dragging herself out of her slumber. "How the hell did you get in, and why is Coconut not barking?" she muttered, still half-asleep.

Sami giggled mischievously. "I know the code to get in, and Coconut really likes tuna," she said slyly.

Rolling her eyes, Jaylee managed a tired smile. "Alright, alright, I'll come, like I promised a million times before, i never miss your shows, and definitely not your final show of high school," she chuckled, already feeling the anticipation building in her chest.

As Jaylee stumbled into the kitchen, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Sami chattered excitedly about the upcoming performance. "You won't believe the set the techs built," she gushed. "It's absolutely stunning."

Despite her groggyness, Jaylee couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her sister. "I can't wait to see it," she said, mustering up some enthusiasm.

After a quick breakfast of cereal and coffee, Jaylee met up with her best friend Lindsey, who had agreed to spend the day with her before Sami's show that evening. They made their way to Crestwood Academy, the school where both Sami and Jaylee had spent their youthful years.

As they strolled through the familiar halls of Crestwood Academy, memories flooded back to them, each corridor echoing with the laughter and camaraderie of their youth. "Remember softball?" Lindsey asked with a grin, nudging Jaylee playfully.

Jaylee laughed, the memories flooding back. "Oh, how could I forget?" she replied, a twinkle in her eye. "Remember the messing with the Dayo twins and Zade and Max? Those were some fun times."

Lindsey nodded, a silly smile tugging at her lips, with the look of nostalgia in her eyes. "And don't forget about Rowen and the rest of the baseball boys," she added, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Their laughter echoed through the halls as they reminisced about their high school days, each memory bringing them closer together, like the old days. "I still can't believe you left cheer in 8th grade to play volleyball," Jaylee teased, nudging Lindsey playfully. "We could have been cheer besties."

Lindsey shrugged, a wistful expression crossing her face. "Cheer just didn't feel right," she admitted. "Plus, some of those girls, like Vanessa, Jenna, Syrene, and Vivian, were just too much to handle... way too bitchy, and wayyy too snotty"

They both burst into laughter at the mention of their former classmates, the shared memories bringing them even closer together.

"I don't get why you and Dominic had beef," Lindsey mused, her brow furrowing in confusion. "You guys were friends in middle school from what I remember. Besides, you would have been cute together."

Jaylee's smile faltered at the mention of Dominic, a flicker of sadness crossing her features. "Yeah, well, things change," she replied, her voice tinged with regret.

Their conversation was interrupted as the auditorium doors swung open, and the sound of applause filled the air, signaling the start of Sami's show. Jaylee shot Lindsey a sheepish look, and they both hurried inside to find their seats.

For the next half hour, they were watched the performance, awed at the show. But just as they were getting lost in the magic of the theater, Lindsey's phone rang, breaking the peaceful silence with its insistent ringtone. With a furrowed brow, Lindsey rushed out of the auditorium to take the call. When she returned, her face was pale with urgency.

"It's my dad," she said, her voice trembling. "There's been an emergency. We need to leave. Now."

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Jaylee quickly messaged Sami, apologizing profusely for having to leave so suddenly and promising to make it up to her as soon as possible. 'It's an emergency,' she typed quickly. 'I love you so much. I will call you later, and make it up to you. So sorry I couldn't stay for the rest. Break a leg and rock on, my fav star <3'

As they hurried back to Lindsey's house, the urgency in the air was palpable, mingling with the anticipation and unease that churned in Jaylee's stomach. The familiar streets blurred past them, the engine of Lindsey's car roaring with each acceleration.

"What do you know about what's going on?" Jaylee questioned, her voice tinged with urgency as she glanced at Lindsey.

Lindsey's brow furrowed with worry as she kept her eyes fixed on the road ahead. "Dad said he needs you to chase down a member of the Skulls on your motorcycle," she replied slowly, her tone heavy with concern. "He goes by 'D' for some stupid reason."

"D? What type of dumbass is this dude?" Jaylee scoffed, frustration bubbling beneath the surface as she clenched her fists. "And what's your deal? What do you have to do?"

Lindsey shot her a sharp look, her gaze flashing with irritation. "I wish I knew, Jaylee," she admitted, her voice tight with apprehension. "Dad was too vague. All he said was that I need to assist you in any way I can."

Jaylee nodded, a knot of tension forming in her stomach as they sped through the streets. She could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on her, the gravity of their mission sinking in with each passing moment.

When they finally arrived at Lindsey's house, Jaylee's heart was pounding with anticipation. As they hurried inside, they found Lindsey's father pacing anxiously in the living room, his brow furrowed with worry.

"Lindsey, Jaylee, thank you for coming so quickly," he said, his voice grave as he turned to face them. "I'm afraid there's been a development with the Skulls. We've received word that they're planning something big, and we need to act fast."

Jaylee's pulse quickened and her eyes widened at the mention of the Skulls, the notorious gang that had plagued their town for years. She had known a few families that had worked with them, and they were crazy. She exchanged a worried glance with Lindsey, a sense of determination flickering in their eyes as they braced themselves for what lay ahead.

"We need you, Jaylee," Lindsey's father continued, his voice heavy with urgency. "You're the only one who can track down this 'D' and find out what they're planning, your one of the best trackers we got."

Jaylee nodded, steeling herself for the task ahead. "I won't let you down, Mr. Adams," she promised, her voice steady and confident.

But Lindsey's father held up a hand, his expression grave. "And Lindsey," he added, turning to his daughter with a serious look while holding up a small device. "I need you to watch Jaylee's back. This is a dangerous mission, and you need to track her no matter what."

Lindsey nodded solemnly, her jaw set with determination. "We've got this, Dad," she said, her voice unwavering as she exchanged a determined glance with Jaylee, as Mr Adams hands Jaylee a device.

"Put it in your shoe," Mr Adams explains. "It will track you every step of the way."

With a sense of urgency driving them forward, Jaylee and Lindsey quickly sprang into action, preparing for the task ahead. Jaylee geared up in her motorcycle attire, her mind focused on the mission at hand. Lindsey, meanwhile, worked swiftly to set up all the technological stuff.

"I've rigged up a microphone that you can discreetly attach to 'D'," Lindsey explained, handing Jaylee a small device. "It'll allow us to listen in on any conversations he has with the Skulls."

Jaylee nodded, her eyes flickering with determination as she accepted the device. "Thanks, Lindsey," she said gratefully, a small smile tugging at her lips, as well as a small hug. "I couldn't do this without you. Any of this."

With everything complete, Jaylee mounted her motorcycle, her heart pounding with adrenaline as she prepared to chase down the so called 'D' and uncover the truth behind the Skulls' sinister plans.

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