Chapter Three

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"Hey," Lindsey said softly, stepping forward to give Jaylee a comforting hug. "We were worried about you."

Jaylee returned the hug gratefully, feeling a sense of warmth wash over her despite the weight of her disappointment. "Sorry," she quietly said, her voice muffled against Lindsey's shoulder. She then broke down "I just... It didn't go as planned. I feel like a failure and a little kid like I-i could have done a whole lot better... I just don't know, I feel so dumb, like I coul- "

Mr. Adams stepped forward, cutting her off, putting his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way,. His expression grave as he regarded Jaylee with concern. "I should have figured this wouldn't go well," he admitted, his tone heavy with resignation. "But we will figure it out. We always do."

Jaylee nodded, her jaw clenched with determination. Lindsey tightened her embrace, offering silent support as Jaylee struggled to find the right words. She took a deep, shaky breath and finally spoke. "I know who he is though, Its Dominic Lucini. Lindsey and I grew up with him, and his brother is graduating with my sister, so I can try to slip something into his belongings, or his mother's, too. Considering graduation is in a couple of weeks."

Lindsey's eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of a new plan forming. "That could work," she exclaimed, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes. "We just need to be careful and make sure we cover our tracks."

Mr. Adams nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "We'll need to strategize carefully," he mused, his mind already racing with possibilities. "But I have a feeling we can pull this off."

Lindsey then giggled and then said, "Or you know, you could always flirt your way to him," Pausing at her fathers look from across the room, then continuing. " You always had this weird little relationship in high school, anyways"

Mr Adams gave her a scolding look from across the room " We need to take this seriously, Lindsey. Life isn't always about flirting your way into things. That is how Jezabel disappeared off into another country for a couple of years. Thank god she reached out recently and is doing good." He ranted on. The girls looked at each other and giggled.

"Listen, Mr Adams... I don't think it's that deep, and she may be on to something." Jaylee started. " I mean think about it, he's not the world's brightest person, from what I remember, and he's already tried that tactic with me"

Mr Adams sighed, "Why don't we just think and talk about it, get an idea of what were going to deal with"

As they began to brainstorm, ideas flowed freely, each of them contributing to the evolving plan. Jaylee suggested using her familiarity with Dominic's family to their advantage, while Lindsey proposed a method for planting the necessary items without raising suspicion. Mr. Adams provided invaluable insights, drawing from his years of experience in dealing with similar situations.

But as the hours passed and exhaustion began to set in, Mr. Adams finally spoke up, his voice tinged with weariness. "I'm old and tired," he admitted, a faint smile playing on his lips. "You girls should probably get some rest since that's what I'm doing."

Jaylee and Lindsey exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts heavy with the weight of their mission but filled with determination to see it through. With a silent nod of agreement, they bid Mr. Adams goodnight and retreated to their respective rooms,

As they settled into Lindsey's room, the tension of the failed mission lingered in the air like a heavy fog. Lindsey perched on the edge of her bed, her expression thoughtful as she turned to Jaylee.

"Sooo," she said in a teasing tone, her lips quirking into a smirk. "Dominic, huh?"

Jaylee rolled her eyes, a mixture of frustration and embarrassment flickering across her features. "Don't even start," she groaned, flopping down onto the bed beside Lindsey.

Lindsey chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh come on, you have to admit, it's a little bit funny," she teased, nudging Jaylee playfully with her elbow.

Jaylee sighed, running a hand through her hair as she tried to shake off the memory of her encounter with Dominic. "Yeah, hilarious," she muttered sarcastically, her mind still reeling from their heated exchange.

Lindsey then spoke low. "As this as this may be," she slowly said, her tone serious, "we need to focus on the task at hand. Jaylee, do you think you can get close enough to Dominic to plant the bug?"

Jaylee nodded, determination flashing in her eyes. "I'll find a way," she vowed, her voice filled with resolve.

Lindsey smiled encouragingly, her gaze softening with understanding. "Well in that case, I believe in you, Jaylee," she said sincerely, reaching out to squeeze Jaylee's hand in a reassuring gesture.

With a sense of purpose driving them forward, the girls talked about how they would deal with Dominic, then went over the events of the night.

But despite their best efforts, Jaylee couldn't shake the memory of Dominic's smug smirk and piercing gaze. She couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry between them, no matter how much she tried to push it aside. As the conversation wound down and exhaustion began to set in, Lindsey turned to Jaylee.

"However this may go," Lindsey said, tiredly, "You will get him. It's Dominic. He's kinda dumb, or like you said; "he's not the world's brightest person"." They exchanged a laugh then Jaylee said something really quietly.

"Look at us having a sleepover and talking shit." She said smiling. "Just like the old days" t They exchanged a laugh and gave each other a strong hug, then before falling into a deep sleep, in each other's arms,

Jaylee couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store. Would she be able to stay focused on the important plan, or would Dominic's presence continue to distract her at every turn? Only time will tell. But for now, Jaylee was determined to do whatever it took to get insight into the Skulls and uncover the truth, even more now that it meant facing Dominic Lucini head-on. The feeling of facing him gave her mixed emotions, but she was ready for anything and everything in the upcoming weeks and months.

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