Chapter 1

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**Tw: Homophobia, teen pregnancy and mention of possible abortion**

June, 1981

Birds tweeted, bees hummed, flowers were in bloom, and the sun was out shining, beating down on everyone in sight. It was the perfect day to get married, in Rick Savage's opinion.

His heart was pumping with adrenaline as he stood at the altar, hand-in-hand with the love of his life, Rudy Sarzo. Rudy was eleven years older than him, but Sav didn't mind the age gap. In fact, he kind of liked it. He liked the idea of a much older man taking care of him and making him feel special.

They had met three years ago at a Quiet Riot concert, which was gifted to Sav as his 18th birthday present by his parents. He had snuck backstage past the security after the show so he could meet Rudy and tell him how much he loved his work, but some fangirls had also had the same idea and had pushed past him to swarm the band as they came off stage.

It had made him feel very left out, and he'd wanted to slip away, out of sight out of mind, but Rudy had stopped him before he could go anywhere, asking if he was okay. And, well, the rest was history. The whole experience had made Sav realise three things. He was gay. Rudy was gay. This guy he looked up to was someone he wanted to be with. Maybe it was because Rudy had paid him special attention the entire time when they met or because he was the sweetest man in the entire world with a heart of gold.

Either way, it didn't matter because Sav was completely head-over-heels for Rudy, and Rudy was head-over-heels for Sav.

The def leppard bassist looked over at his soon-to-be husband, hearts in his eyes. God, Rudy was so perfect. He loved him so much. Nothing could ever tear them apart.

"Do you, Richard Savage, take Rodolfo Maximiliano Sarzo Lavieille Grande Ruiz Payret y Chaumont as your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked, looking a bit flustered as he apologetically butchered Rudy's full name.

Sav nodded. "I do."

"And do you, Rodolfo Maximiliano Sarzo Lavieille Grande Ruiz Payret y Chaumont, take Richard Savage as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Rudy also nodded. "I do."

The vicar smiled warmly. "I now pronounce you, husband and husband. You may kiss."

Sav's heart almost leapt out of his chest when Rudy put his arms around him and pulled him in for the most tender kiss they had ever shared. The kiss that now sealed their marriage to each other.

All the wedding guests got to their feet and cheered when they finally kissed, some of the men throwing their hats up in the air in celebration. But Sav could barely hear any of it. He was far too wrapped up in enjoying this precious moment with his now husband, Rudy Savage.

"I love you, Rudy," he whispered when they finally broke the kiss. "You're gonna make me the happiest man in the world."

"I love you too, Ricky," Rudy whispered back, his eyes twinkling as they embraced tightly.

Breaking apart, they walked back down the aisle, hand-in-hand, ready to take wedding photos. Both men chuckled as rose petals were thrown over them as they proceeded out of the church and into the garden.

"Uncle SavSav!!"

Sav turned around just in time as the flower girl jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. He laughed and held his niece, Luna, in his arms, cradling her slightly.

Luna was Steve Clark and Phil Collen's daughter, and she was the sweetest ray of sunshine. He had to admit, he was extremely shocked when Steve got pregnant with Phil's baby and even more shocked that it had been a teen pregnancy. Phil had been nineteen, and Steve had been seventeen.

Needless to say, neither of their parents were very happy to hear the news. And even less happy to find out that both of their sons were gay. Steve's parents had pressured Steve to get an abortion, unable to accept that their son was going to have another man's baby. Steve had almost given in, but luckily, Phil, himself, and the rest of the band had convinced him to keep the child, offering their unconditional support.

The real icing on the cake was the two guitarists tying the knot months before the birth of their baby daughter, who they'd named Luna Clark. It was super sweet, and Sav hoped to start a family himself with Rudy in the future, but they were still young, and he didn't want to rush into raising any children, which he was sure Rudy would agree with.

"Hi, princess. Are you okay?" he asked, smiling.

"Yes. Just hungwy."

"Me too. We'll eat soon, okay? I promise," he added when he saw the pouty look on Luna's chubby, little face.

"Are you and Uncle Rudy going to have a baby?"

Sav stared shocked at his niece, who looked innocently at him. The bassist laughed nervously as he tried to respond. "Maybe one day, sweetheart. I don't know. That's up to me and Rudy."

An excited smile came over Luna's face. She wiggled out of Sav's arms and ran over to her parents. "Mummy, Uncle SavSav, and Uncle Rudy are going to have a baby!" Luna squealed, she squealed, creasing Steve's suit as she hugged his waist.

Steve looked at the embarrassed newlyweds and laughed. 

“That’s uh, not how it works, honeybear.”

It seemed Steve and Phil would be having ‘the talk’ with their daughter sooner than they anticipated.

Rudy leaned into Sav’s body and kissed his cheek. “Maybe Luna’s onto something. Maybe we’ll one day have a kid of our own, huh, Ricky?” He smiled warmly, clearly open to the idea of the two starting a family together one day.

Sav blushed profusely at the small gesture and returned the kiss. “Yeah, maybe one day, bunnybear. But for now, let’s just focus on it being me and you. Two Savages together, right?”

“Yeah, of course.” Rudy softly kissed Sav’s hand several times, more than happy to show just how in love they were. “I couldn’t imagine being partners in crime with anyone else. Don’t worry, I’ll never leave you, baby.”

“Do you promise?” Sav begged, the anxious thoughts that Rudy would get up and leave him plaguing him. “Promise me you’ll never leave me, Rudy.” He held his husband’s hand tightly, his eyes glistening. “Please. I can’t go on without you.”

“I promise, my love,” Rudy assured him, combing his messy blonde hair with his fingers. “I have no reason to leave you, I love you far too much.”

“Me too, baby. Me too."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 09 ⏰

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