𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 - 4

490 32 22

Hie Barbies

The soft glow of evening enveloped the apartment as Tae sat on the couch, engrossed in his phone. The peaceful atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by the sound of mischievous giggles coming from the kitchen.

Curiosity piqued, Tae set his phone aside and made his way to the kitchen, a sense of foreboding growing in his chest. As he entered, his eyes widened in dismay at the sight before him.

kook stood in front of the spice rack, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he gleefully mixed spices from different jars, creating a colorful concoction that adorned both the jars and the countertop. Giggling to himself, kook seemed oblivious to the chaos he had caused.

Tae couldn't help but rub his forehead in exasperation, torn between frustration and amusement at kook's antics. With a resigned sigh, he knew it was time to intervene before things got further out of hand.

"Mommy, see rwainbowsh!"..kook exclaimed with wide eyes, his enthusiasm undimmed by the chaos he had caused.

"Aren't you too spoiled?"...Tae remarked, pinching the bridge of his nose as he contemplated the mess before him, realizing he would have to eat whatever concoction Jungkook had created.

"Prawise your Kook''... Jungkook replied proudly, oblivious to the trouble he had caused as Tae shook his head, thinking about his next move.

"NO, don't rub your eyes, Kook!"... Tae's eyes widened in alarm as he watched kook innocently rub his eyes, unaware of the spices coating his hands. With a cry of pain, kook began to scream, tears streaming down his cheeks as his eyes burned.

Tae acted quickly, rushingkook to the washroom and splashing water onto his face and eyes, trying to soothe the burning sensation. Despite kook's wiggling and cries of discomfort, Tae persisted, his heart aching at his little one's distress.

After what felt like an eternity of rinsing and soothing, kook finally began to calm down, his cries subsiding as Tae gently rubbed his eyes and applied a bit of rose water. As kook's breathing evened out and the pain began to ebb away, Tae couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him, grateful that the worst was over and his mischievous little one was safe once more.

"Are you okay?"... Tae asked with concern as kook slowly opened his eyes.

"Yesh''... kook replied softly, his voice still shaky from the ordeal, as Tae leaned in to kiss both of his eyes lovingly.

"Come on, we need to go to Walmart''...Tae announced, hoping to distract kook from his discomfort.

''Yayyyyy!!!''...Jungkook's eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the outing, and he eagerly got up, making Tae chuckle at his boundless energy.

Tae slipped on his footwear, and then kook's, before the two of them exited their house hand in hand. They walked together to Walmart, the cool evening air refreshing after the chaos of earlier, with kook holding tightly onto Tae's hand as they made their way to the store, their bond stronger than ever.

As they reached the spice aisle, Tae picked up the necessary spices while also grabbing a bunch of bananas for kook. At the checkout counter, as Tae began to ring up their items, kook's excitement bubbled over, and he started rambling about wanting colors and a drawing book.

"Mommy, I want thish, pease, pease, pease''...kook pleaded, his eyes pleading with Tae.

Tae sighed, knowing how much kook loved to express himself through art but also wary of potential messes.

"Only if you don't tear it and don't paint the walls''....Tae said, laying down a condition.

"Prowmises''...kook replied, holding out his pinky finger. Tae smiled and wrapped his own pinky finger around kook's, sealing the promise.

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