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 To people who need help but won't get

The crazy bitch who needs help
So I did something stupid!

Wants a cat hybrid lover
Same shit different day
But say what did you do

The crazy bitch who needs help
I made my twitter account public

Wants a cat hybrid lover
Good for you?

The crazy bitch who needs help
That is not the worse part!

Wants a cat hybrid lover
You uploaded a pic of your pussy?

"I am too busy to meet" bitch
I just opened the chats-

The crazy bitch who needs help
You horny fuckers wish but no
Some hoe messaged me!! 
As soon as I turned the account into public they messaged me!

Has anger issues and needs help
Who messaged you? A doctor? A therapist? Or a scientist who is willing to do experiments on you

The crazy bitch who needs help
Just so you know, I am sane and a hooman bean

Has anger issues and needs help
A human being wouldn't call other human beings as hooman beans
They wouldn't even call that to themselves

The crazy bitch who needs help
To be honest, that is not even the fight
Or the problem
The problem is something else

Has anger issues and needs help
Get to the problem

The crazy bitch who needs help
I made my account public from private

Has anger issues and needs help
That's how you do stupid things but continue 

The crazy bitch who needs help
And a dude messaged me like immediately 😭
It was like they were waiting for me to make it public!

"I am too busy to meet" bitch

The crazy bitch who needs help

Wants a cat hybrid lover
Definitely a stalker 

Has anger issues and needs help
So, what are you gonna do?

The crazy bitch who needs help
Reply them 🌝
I need some drama in my life

Has anger issues and needs help

"I am too bust to meet" bitch

Wants a cat hybrid lover
Disappointed but not surprise

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