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I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm. I sighed as I hit the button and sat up. I looked over to yhe mirror and was a little shocked by what I saw. My hair was sticking up in several different directions and none of them were acceptable. I got out of bed and walked into the guest bathroom. I quickly took a shower before walking back into the bedroom and getting dressed. I did my hair and put on some light makeup before walking into the kitchen. "Coffee?" Faye asked as she started to get a mug out of the cabinet. "No, I don't have time. I need to get going" I said as she nodded before putting the mug back into the cabinet. "See you later. I'll stop by and drop off the dress" I said as she shook her head no. "Keep it, I hate it anyway" she said confidently as I laughed. "Wow, love the thought that went into the gift" I said as I hugged her and left. I figured out which car the set of keys belonged to and got in. I started the car and pulled out before quickly driving away.

I got to the building about an hour late. I forgot how bad Tokyo traffic was. Thank god I left early. I parked the car and got out before locking it. I made my way into the building and up to the reception desk. "Hi, what can I do for you?" The receptionist asked as I fidgeted. "I'm here to see Mr Tsukishima" I said as she nodded before typing something into her computer. "You must be Miss Reum, please follow me" the receptionist said as she got up from the desk and walked down a hallway. I quickly followed after her. We got on an elevator and she hit the button for the 9th floor. The elevator ride was agonizingly silent. The elevator dinged a few minutes later and the doors slowly opened. I walked out after her and we walked down another hallway before stopping in front of a set of white doors. "You can go in when you are ready Miss Reum" she said before walking back down the hallway. I knocked and the doors and he almost immediately told me to come in. I pushed open the doors and almost immediately tripped on a step.

"There's a step there Miss Reum" Tsukishima said sarcastically as he walked over to help me up. "I hadn't noticed" I said as he extended his hand out to me. I accepted it and he almost effortlessly pulled me back onto my feet. I smiled as a way of saying thank you before he lead me over to the chairs in front of his desk. I sat down and to my surprise he sat down in the chair next to mine. "I don't have my laptop so I'll have to record the interview if that's okay?" I asked him as he smiled. "That is perfectly okay with me" William said as I started the voice recording. "Please state your name for authenticity" I said as he nodded. "Kei Tsukishima" he said confidently as I nodded. "What is your occupation Mr Tsukishima?" I asked him. "I am the founder and CEO of Everest Tech" he said as I nodded. "What is the best part of your business?" I asked as he smiled. "The charity donations" he said as I nodded. "A charitable douche" I said quietly as he glanced up at me. "What was that?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Nothing" I said as I shook my head. "What do you feel you owe your success to?" I asked him as he glanced out the window for a moment before looking back at me. "The people I employ. I would spend all my time here without them. I would have no time for my pursuits if not for them" he said as I nodded. "What are some of the pursuits you referred to?" I asked Tsukishima as he smiled. "I like art" he said as I nodded. "Purchasing or creating?" I asked him as he smirked. "You figure it out" he said as I chuckled. "That would imply that I will be spending my personal time with you" I said as he nodded. "Was that implication incorrect?" He asked as I scoffed. "Extremely" I said as he nodded softly. "We'll see" Tsukishima said as I glanced up at him. "What was that Mr Tsukishima?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Nothing Miss Reum" he said as I nodded. "You are cocky" I commented as he chuckled. "You aren't?" He asked as I nodded. "Not like you" I said as he smiled. I watched as he ended the recording.

"I want to ask some questions now Miss Reum" he said as I started the recording again. "I'm here to do the interviewing Mr Tsukishima" I said as he ended the recording again. "Humor me Miss Reum" Tsukishima said as I sighed in defeat. "Fine" I said reluctantly. "What is your first name?" He asked curiously. "Elia" I said as he nodded. "Is it short for something?" He asked as I nodded. "Eliana" I said as he nodded. "Hebrew in origin. Are your parents Jewish?" He asked as I nodded. "My mother is, my father is Japanese" I said as he nodded. "Middle name?" He asked as I sighed. "Marie" I said as he nodded. "Eliana Marie Reum. It's beautiful" he said as I nodded. "Did you always want to be in media?" Tsukishima asked as I shook my head. "I wanted to be a writer" I said as he nodded. "You must like to read then?" He asked as I nodded. "Who's your favorite author?" He asked as I smiled. "Frost" I said as he nodded. "Good answer" he stated. "My favorite is Dickinson" he said as I nodded slightly. "Good answer" I repeated back as he chuckled softly.

"I am a very cut throat person, Miss Reum, so I'm going to be up front with you. I want to have dinner with you" he said as I chuckled. "You are bold Mr Tsukishima" I said as he nodded. "You have to be in my profession" he said as I smiled. "When would you like to have dinner?" I asked him as he smiled. "Tomorrow" he said as I chuckled. "I won't be in Tokyo, I'm heading home tonight" I said as he nodded. "That isn't a problem Miss Reum, I'll meet you in Miyagi" Tsukishima said as I scoffed. "You would go all that way for me?" I asked him skeptically. "It isn't that far when you have the resources I do" he said as I smiled. "What time?" He asked as I chuckled. "I never said yes" I retorted. "People don't normally say no to me Miss Reum" he stated. "Maybe I'll be the first" I countered. "Doubtful" he stated as I nodded. "I get off work at 5" I said as he grinned. "I'll pick you up" he said as I chuckled. "Dress nice, I like 5 star" he said as his receptionist walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt Mr Tsukishima but your next meeting starts in 5 minutes" she said as he nodded. "As much as I enjoyed this I have business to attend to" Tsukishima said as we both stood up. I shook his hand. "I'll walk you out" he said as I shook my head. "That isn't necessary" I said as he chuckled. "I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I didn't" he said as I chuckled. "You aren't much of a gentleman to begin with Mr Tsukishima" I said as he opened the office door and we walked out. "Such a rude comment Miss Reum" he said as I nodded. "I never claimed to be polite" I said as he nodded. We made our way to the elevator and he hit the garage button. "My car is in the parking lot?" I asked as he smiled. "Give me your keys" he said as I clenched them in my hand. "Why?" I asked him. "Because I am going to personally drive you home" he said as I scoffed. "I can drive myself" I said as I hit the ground floor button. "Can't you just let me do nice things?" He asked me.

"No" I said as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. I walked out of the elevator and flipped him off before I continued walking. I rolled my eyes after he followed me out. "Stop!" He said as he pulled me back. I was about to walk into the street when a car wizzed by. I was in shock. "I know you have a rebellious attitude but can you at least stay alive?" He asked harshly as I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow" I said. "I plan on staying another day here" I said as Tsukishima nodded. "So I'll drive to the dinner, tell me a place" I said as he smirked. "I can't let you have the upper hand Miss Reum" he said as I laughed. "You don't really have a choice Mr Tsukishima" I said as I waved him goodbye and headed to the car. I got in and started the car. I called Faye. "Hey, can I crash one more night at your place?" I asked her as she sighed. "Fine, why another night?" She asked as I chuckled. "I took your advice" I stated as she squealed. "You got laid?!?!" She asked me excitedly. I chuckled.

"No, but I have a date" I said as she squealed even louder. "With who?!" She asked me. "Ladies don't kiss and tell" I said as she scoffed. "Headed back" I said as I hung up the phone and pulled out. I arrived back to Faye's house about an hour later. "I'm back!" I yelled as she ran out of her office. "Tell me everything" she said as I chuckled. "I did the interview and he asked me out to dinner after" I said as she jumped in excitement. "You could be his next girlfriend!" She said as I scoffed. "A guy like him would never get with a girl like me" I said as I walked to the guest room and changed into comfortable clothing. I heard my phone ring. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked as I heard Tsukishima sigh. "I have to cancel Miss Reum. I don't think we are the right fit" he said as my jaw dropped. "I fucking knew it, you wanted the thrill but not the responsibility" I said as I hung up and tossed it on the bed. "Get dressed, we're going out" I said as she nodded. I was going to forget him.

I drove to a club and we immediately started downing shots until I couldn't see straight. I pulled out my work phone since I left my phone at Faye's and called him. "Hello?" He asked as I laughed. "You hurt me Tsukishima" I said as he sighed. "Elia? Where are you?" He asked as I chuckled. "You don't really care" I said as he sighed. "I don't want to hear any excuses" I said as I hung up the phone. I ordered another drink when my phone started ringing again. "I know where you are and I'm coming to get you" he said angrily before hanging up. "Let's dance!" Faye drunkenly said as I waved her off. She walked into the crowd and started dancing on some random guy. I just sat there in my feelings. I couldn't help but drown my struggles in alcohol. I knew it wasn't a healthy thing but damn it worked. I watched as random man sat down next to me. "Hey beautiful" he said as I rolled my eyes. "Not interested" I said as he scooted closer. "Don't be like that baby" he said as I scoffed. "NOT INTERESTED" I spat as he looked angry at me.

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