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6 o clock didn't come fast enough. I fixed my hair quickly before walking into the lobby. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do Eli" Faye said as I rolled my eyes. "You'd do a lot of questionable things" I said as she chuckled. "Hell yeah I would" Faye said as I grabbed my coat and walked out of the house. Wyatt was waiting for me. "Hello Wyatt" I said as he opened the door and I got in. He closed the door after me. "Where is Mr Tsukishima?" I asked the man as he started the car. "Mr Tsukishima will be meeting us at the destination." Wyatt said as I nodded. "Where is the destination Wyatt?" I asked the man as he smiled. "I was told to keep the location a secret" he said as I scoffed softly in annoyance. "Don't hate the player Miss Reum, hate the game" he said as we pulled out of the driveway. "Any radio station that you like?" Wyatt asked as I shook my head. "Any station will do" I said as he turned the radio on. I bopped along to the music while looking out the window for most of the drive there.

We were at a restaurant. The car stopped and a man opened my door for me and helped me out. "Thank you" I said as I made my way down a red carpet to a lobby where he was standing. "Mr Tsukishima" I said curtly as he grabbed my hand. "Miss Reum, you look beautiful" he said as I nodded. "I am fully aware" I stated as he chuckled. "Your humble attitude needs improvement" he stated. "You aren't one to talk" I said as he helped me up the stairs and into the building. I was surprised to discover that we were in a restaurant that we could dance in. Tsukishima led me to a table and helped me into my seat. He poured me a glass of champagne and one for himself. We clinked our glasses together and he took a sip. Our food came out shortly after. "I hope you like what I ordered for you, you can order something different if you want?" He said as I shook my head. "This is fine" I said as he sighed in relief. "How was your day?" Tsukishima asked as I cut my food and took a bite. I swallowed it quickly.

"It was honestly boring" I said as he nodded. "I had an interesting day. One of my meetings was pushed back so I had some time to relax" he said as he smiled. "That's good" I said with a smile. "This restaurant is nice" I said as he smirked. "I agree. I liked it so much that I bought it" he said casually. I almost choked on my food and had to take a sip of champagne. "You own this? I thought you specialized in tech?" I asked him as he chuckled. "There is a lot you don't know about me Miss Reum" he said with a smile. I made it my mission to learn more about him. "Is there anything you want to know?" He asked as I nodded. "What is your favorite color?" I asked Tsukishima causing him to smile. "Green, but not like grass green, I like turquoise" he said as I nodded. "I like purple" I said as he smiled. "Do you have a favorite flower?" He asked, ultimately changing the subject. "Hibiscus" I said as he nodded. "It's a beautiful flower" Tsukishima said as I sipped my champagne. I began to hum the music playing.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked as I frantically shook my head no. "What's wrong Miss Reum? Do you not like dancing?" Tsukishima asked. "It's not that I like dancing, it's that I'm not exactly good at it" I said softly. "That's no problem, I'll lead" he said as he got up and extended his hand out to me. I paused for a moment but ultimately accepted it. Tsukishima pulled me to my feet and walked me onto the dance floor. He positioned me so that my arms were wrapped around his neck and our bodies were pressed against each other. I laughed as he picked me up and spun me around before setting me down and pulling me against him again. I smiled as he grabbed my hand and spun me around. The song finally came to a close and he dipped me before helping me stand up straight. I was grinning as wide as my face would allow. "That was fun" I said as Tsukishima smirked. "Women tend to have a good time with me" he said as I chuckled softly. "Arrogant as ever" I said as he nodded. "It's on brand" he joked back.

"Do you want to go back to my place?" He asked as I nodded. He started making his way back to the exit. "What about the bill?" I asked him as he laughed. "I own the restaurant Eli, I do what I want" he said as I nodded. We walked out of the building and to his waiting car. "After you" he said as I nodded and got into the car. The drive to his house was long and quiet. "We have things to discuss inside. Wyatt, please give Miss Reum and I some privacy" Tsukishima said as the man nodded and exited the car, I got in the passenger seat while he got in the driver's. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked him worriedly. He immediately shook his head no. "If anyone did something wrong it's me" he said as I twiddled my thumbs nervously. We arrived in the garage and he helped me out. We walked side by side into the house. He gave a look to the staff and they all walked out of the room. "What did you want to discuss?" I asked him as he sighed. "Remember when I said that I wasn't good for you?" Tsukishima asked as I nodded. "Quite fondly" I said as he sighed again. I was worried.

"Do you want to know why?" He asked as I nodded. "I would actually" I said as I walked towards him. "It's because I'm not made for anything but a fling" Tsukishima said as I grabbed his hand. "I know, they only last a few months" I said as he nodded. "They last about 3 months before I grow bored" he said as I nodded. "But in those 3 months I'll make sure you have the time of your life. Trips. Gifts. Affection" he explained. "The only stipulation is that it is temporary" I said as he nodded. "If you can't accept that then go" he said as I placed my hand on his face. "I just want you" I said as I guided him down and kissed him. The kiss lasted mere moments but seemed to go on forever. "We need to discuss this" I said as I grabbed his hand and guided him to the table and sat him down. I sat down in the chair next to him. "First question, how many women have you had this arrangement with?" I asked him as he looked away. "7" he said softly. I was honestly taken aback by his revelation.

"I'm assuming there's rules?" I asked him. He nodded. "Like you said, this is an arrangement. You aren't my girlfriend. You won't meet my family or friends" he said as I nodded. "You are a friend with benefits in a way" he said as I nodded. "I can live with that" I said as he smiled. "I'm glad, I've really enjoyed our time together" he said as I smiled. "I am too" I said as his eyes twinkled. "We should discuss the exclusivity of this agreement" he said as I nodded. "You won't see anyone else while you are seeing me" Tsukishima said as I raised an eyebrow. "I thought we weren't seeing each other?" I asked as he scoffed. "You know what I mean" he stated as I rolled my eyes. "I really don't" I said as he looked away. "You can't play with me like this" I said as he walked to his bedroom and closed the door. I walked out of the house. "Miss Reum?" Wyatt asked as I walked up to him. "I'd like to go home" I said as he nodded slightly. "To Miss Lincolnshire's home?" He asked me as I shook my head no.

"I want to go home to Miyagi" I said as he nodded. He brought the car and I was about to get in when Tsukishima called out my name. "What do you want?" I asked him as I tried to hold back my tears. "I want you, I promise by the end of the 3 months you'll be sick of me" Tsukishima said as he walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "How do I know that you aren't being the jerk that I initially thought you were?" I asked him as he pulled me into his arms. "I am a very particular man Miss Reum. I may only want you temporarily but I want you" he said as he stepped back and kissed me. "I want to do everything with you in the 3 months that we will spend together" he said as he pushed the stray hair out of my face. "Let me enjoy my time with you" he said as I nodded. "Fine, but I need to tell you something" I said as he nodded and we walked inside. He led me up to his office and closed the door "what is it Eli?" He asked as I gulped.

"I haven't...." I said as my voice trailed off. "You haven't what Miss Reum? Spit it out" he said as I looked away. "It's embarrassing" I said as he chuckled. "I swear I won't think of it that way" Tsukishima said as he walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I really think you'll laugh" I said as he crouched down so he was on my level. "Nothing you tell me will ever make me laugh. I mean unless it's funny" he said as I nodded. "I've never had sex" I said as his eyes went wide. "Nothing? Not even anal?" He asked as I nodded. "I am 100% a virgin" I said as he smiled. He had a look of excitement on his face. I knew I was in for it. "I'm honestly a little surprised" he said as I chuckled. "Is it really that surprising?" I asked him. "You're a beautiful woman, men must chase you all over" he said as I nodded. "I'm pretty good at evading them. For some reason I couldn't do the same with you" I said as he laughed. "I'm hard to shake" he said jokingly.

"You're like a lost puppy" I joked with him. He laughed at my statement. "Am I at least a cute puppy?" He asked as I chuckled. "No, you're a scrappy lovesick puppy. The kind that people pity" I said as he chuckled. "I'll take what I can get" he said softly as he kissed me. I immediately kissed him back passionately and before I knew it, we were involved in a heated make out session. I felt him kiss my ear as he hugged me. "Jump Elia" he whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. He caught me effortlessly before he opened the office door and carried me out. "I am going to do dirty things to you now Miss Reum" he stated as I smiled. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't Mr Tsukishima" I said to him as he smiled sweetly while he carried me to his bedroom. He closed and locked the door once we were in the room. I knew by the animalistic look on his face that I was in for it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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