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Maria propped her legs on the couch eating salt and vinegar chips and clicking through the channels on her TV."there's nothing ever new on TV."Maria rolled her eyes. Maria's phone buzzed. Maria looked down to see what it was, and it was just Seth texting her about the new home work. It's been about a week since Maria first met Seth. They became friends ever since that day when she busted her nose. Seth always went to her house, and Maria always went to his. Over the past week rumors spread super fast.Seth was the new cool kid and so called hot guy that everyone loved. Being friends with Seth made Maria's popularity go up, so people found the rumors quite interesting. Seth and Maria never said anything about the rumors. When people would ask if it was true they would say nothing or change the subject. Maria finished eating the bag of chips and threw the empty bag across the couch. Maria picked up her phone and texted Seth back."Yeah yeah, I know. The teacher told me but thanks for the reminder."Maria texted. "Just making sure you knew it was due tomorrow."Seth responded. Maria sent a thumbs up emoji and turned off her phone. Maria realized it was time for her bus to run. Maria shot up and ran out to her bus. The bus made a hissing sound. Maria silently giggled."When will they fix the bus?"Maria said to herself while walking up the bus stairs."Hi Maria! Come sit with me!"Rebecca said while waving."No no! Come here Maria, tell us about Seth!" The baseball boys yelled."Maria~"a girl near Rebecca said. Maria ignored them and sat by her self. She opened her pocket to see she forgot her headphones."Shoot."She said while checking once more."Borrow mine!" A kid behind her insisted."You can keep mine!"another kid told her." Thanks but I'm fine."Maria said while looking out the window. The next thing Maria realized was she was at school already. Maria stood up and waited for the other kids to go. The kids insisted she goes first. She felt a weird feeling. She walked off the bus and headed towards the double door. Some kids flew ahead of her and opened the door for Maria."Why thank you!" Maria politely said. She went to her locker and opened it up. No letters fell out. No pranks laid ahead. She grabbed her books and walked to class. After class ended it was lunch. She brought her lunch and went to sit by Seth. Some girls were at his table and he just ignored them and waved at Maria. Maria sat at the table and started talking. They paid no mind to the girls trying to talk to Seth. After lunch Seth and Maria spent the day together till the end of the school day when they departed.

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