10. Wasted

30 2 10

Nathan/ Reader

"What happened Sanji kun. Oh god you look horrible." Sanji was fully wasted and was playing with his beer cup as he sat on the bar chair. His eyes were puffy and red. His once neat hair was messed up rather roughly and his suit was halfway unbuttoned. 

On seeing me, he jumped up and hugged me tight. He was squeezing too hard and honestly I thought I would have died from it.

He started crying, holding my neck and it wasn't just crying. He had a breakdown there.

Absolutely clueless, I just stood there, rubbing his back as a comforting manner and earning stares from the people around.

"....What.........happened?" I spoke in a low voice. He mumbled something unrecognizable, I just responded with a nod. 

Soon, his crying dried down, but then I faced a bigger problem- He freaking fell asleep. On me 

With the bartenders help, I somehow placed him on the car.

Then next problem arouse. I don't know his house address.

Great. Now where will I go with this blonde other than to my own home?

Lets just hope Zoro won't tease me about this.




"ACE! AN HISTORIC MOMENT! Y/n finally brought home a guy" Zoro shouted, making Ace get to his feet and ran to me and wasted Sanji on the door.

"oh shut up" i spoke as I walked past Zoro and a awestruck and fury hit Ace. I dragged and laid Sanji on my bed. Then I sneakily closed the door without making a sound and walked to the living room where Ace and Zoro was sitting.

"Isn't he your cooking partner?" Ace asked with a raised eyebrow. I sat across him with a sigh and made myself comfortable on the couch. 

"Yeah. What about it?" I took the remote control from Zoro and turned the channel to sports. 

"You are datin-"

"NO, OF COURSE NOT" I cut him in midway of what he was saying. The raven hair and Zoro sighed from relief.

"What was that sigh for?"

"Nothing. we didn't want you getting into a relationship before we get in." Zoro spoke with a smirk. I let out a big gasp as I threw my pillow straight at him.

Zoro chuckled as he grabbed the pillow in the midway. He smirked as he aimed at me, but threw at Ace.

And that's how the pillow fight broke out.







11 pm.

"Aren't you gonna sleep Y/n?" Ace asked as he let out a loud and wide yawn, which earned a chuckle from Zoro. 

"Nah. Doesn't feel like it. It's my day off tomorrow. What about you guys?" I looked at Zoro, who was looking for something to watch on the TV.

"Me as well" Zoro spoke, his eyes glued on  Netflix, trying to find a good pick. Ace mumbled a same pinch as he pinched my arm, which resulted in him getting a smack on his head. 

Ace then sat up, went to bathroom, returned to the living room after paying a visit to the kitchen and laid on the couch. He placed his head on my lap and leg on Zoro's. 

After not long, Zoro picked the film, 'Rocky' to watch.

"So are we doing a 'Rocky' marathon today?" I asked as I playing with Ace's hair.

"Seems like it" Ace said with a yawn.

"I'm not complaining. I love that series, Except Rocky V" I spoke nudging Zoro, who was eating a huge bowl of some kind of snack by himself. 

Soon, we all stopped talking, only the sounds of munching, occasional laughs and reactions heard. Except from the movie's sounds of course. 

Ahh, a day to laze around at last.

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