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"Nana! Nana! Tell me a story!"

"What story would you like today, dear?"

"I dont know."

"Hmm, would you like the one about the fire tree?"


"Okay, how about the story of how typheris created the world?"

"which one is that?" 

"i dont think you've heard this one yet"

"oh, okay!" she smiled and got into the bed.

"Alright then, get comfy though, otherwise you're not getting a story."

She sat down onto the bed next to the little bird. And started:

"Long, long ago, before there was light, before there was air, before there was time, there was a world unlike ours, we know nothing of it, only that it housed the gods. They lived there in peace and harmony, sometimes leaving to go on journeys, sometimes never coming back, but then returning anyway. One of these gods was named, Typheris, typheris was a mighty god, not the..."

"Nan, what's mighty?"

"Strong, dear."

"Ah, okay."

"He was a strong god, by no means was he the strongest, but definitely one of the stronger ones, one day, he was bored and decided to go into one of the infinite abysses, to see what he could find, but it turns out, that the one he picked was completely empty, there was no light, but no dark either. He wandered in this abyss for a really, really long time, until eventually he got tired and decided to go to sleep. Much like you should soon." she smiled at the little girl. "He fell asleep and he slept for an eternity, but at some point he started having a dream, a dream of a world, it reminded him of his own world but filtered through his mind. Typheris slept in this void dreaming about a place, a large place, one with beautiful clouds, and large twisting storms. He dreamt of its depths, of its magnitude, he dreamt of colors and lights. What he did not know however is that as he was dreaming about it, a tiny fraction of his divine power seeped through his mind, leaked into the abyss, and it started making his dream into reality, he saw a sky, and it was, he saw it be one color, then another, then a third, and it turned into a gradient, he breathed, dreaming of air and wind, and the place filled with his breath, moving through the abyss which was no longer an empty nothing, curling into tornadoes filling the vacuum with currents, he dreamt of clouds, and soon enough one small cloud appeared near him, then another, and then one more, they spread, they merged, they split, they moved with the air, they dived after one another, they spread all around everywhere, before long passed, the entire place was covered in gigantic canvases of clouds, all changing with the sky. And then the most wonderful thing happened, Typheris in his dream, thought of land, massive sprawling islands floating in the sky. They were all the same, just rocks of barren land floating with the wind, but then they sprouted life! Plants, everywhere, trees, and grass some got covered in sand, and some like ours in snow, some were larger and higher, some smaller and closer together, some with more plants, some with less. Each one unique in its own right, each one, teaming with life, critters started living there, animals, small and large. It was at that point that typheris finally woke up, only to find to his amazement, that his dream became a reality, he took a deep breath of the fresh, new, air, he touched one of the plants he made, it bloomed in response. His heart was overfilled with joy and awe. He fell in love with this beautiful place, he decided that needs to preserve and protect this world, he took a piece of a cloud next to him, and out of it, he molded the first avian. This one did not have any wings, only two arms, two legs, and a head with a body in between. Typheris touched its beak and it came to life, opening its eyes for the first time."

Tales from TypherisWhere stories live. Discover now