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It's always nice watching the clouds. To him, it felt as if their color indicated the planet's emotion. Right now the clouds glowed an orange and yellow hue. Stretching as far as the eye could see, like an infinite fluffy cotton blanket, draped over the air. Or a colossal, and fuzzy carpet, one that's bigger than the room itself and has to constantly bunch up into bits and ridges.

From here he could see the edge of the island, a drop off into the clouded expanse. The cloud expanse was only broken up by a neighboring island far off in the distance.

He took another sip of his coffee, everything was Idyllic. The sunrise was just starting, the island was still filled with the last shreds of night and the air was still fresh enough to be called "night air", but it was time to start the day. He finished his coffee, got up, and dived downhill, throwing out his wings to catch the dawn air, back towards the city.

After picking up the mail from the office he got into his truck and started the ignition. Looking down at the list of addresses he concluded that 489 Priffin street was the starting destination and drove off. He knew a woman living on 489 Priffin, not too well, he didn't know her name, and was almost certain she didn't know his. But he knew her pet moth's name, Terrance, wasn't a very large moth, only having a wingspan of about two, two to three feet.
It wasn't uncommon to see the lady walking him outside on the streets near her house, but today was clearly not one of those days. He also knew a few more folks from that house, but only in face.

He got out of the truck, grabbed the packages for 489 and went into the building. As he was sorting the mail into its compartments, muttering to himself
"twelfth, seventh, uhhh twenty fifth..." the elevator doors opened and a bird walked out, they were dressed in black pants, a white and cyan blazer and a light blue shirt underneath, he remarked that the blazer-shirt combo, complemented the echovelians feathers very nicely.
"Good morning!"
"Morning!" he replied.
The bird smiled and walked out of the apartment. He noticed that as the bird walked behind him there was a pleasant waft of perfume trailing after them. He continued the organization of the mail.

After a few more apartments, some more "good morning!"s and a couple encounters with friendly faces he knew from around town, he found himself stopping at 230 Silino bv, at a shop that wasn't familiar to him, it seemed to have been a private bakery of sorts, the shop was already open and two people were bustling around inside. A very early customer was already sitting at one of the tables patiently but eagerly waiting for the owners, somehow he knew almost for sure that the two people running around were in fact the owners of the establishment, to finish the preparations for the day. He grabbed the large box that was ordered to this location and went in.
"Good morning!" he said and received three pairs of eyes looking over in his direction. Though his greeting wasn't necessary for getting their attention, the tiny bell above the door had already done its job and let everyone inside know that someone was entering the building.
"Oh hi!" one of the two owners recognized the mailman in him and smiled "you must be the mailman right?" he said just to confirm that i wasn't a customer walking in with a random box for some unknown reason.
"Sure am!"
"Here, do I need to sign something or..." he wiped his hands on his apron while walking up to me.

"Yeah just over here" I balanced the large package on one hand and grabbed the form and pen from the top of it. "Right over here"
"Right." said the scorcher, putting the paper down onto a nearby table. This gave me a chance to look around the bakery. I noticed that there was some relaxing music playing from a stereo in the corner. Of course it smelled delightful, and coupled with the music, it created a very lovely atmosphere.
"Where should I...uh..."
"Just over there behind the counter will do."
I placed the package in the spot he pointed towards.

"Alright, you have a lovely day now!" and I walked out of the bakery.

Maybe I should visit them as a customer sometime? The menu seemed very appetizing and the setting was pleasing.

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