Let's begin

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© All rights reseved


This book is work of pure fiction. All the characters and incidents are my own .

No copyright infringment will be tolerated


Author's Note

Hey everyone 👋 I hope you all are doing well. First of all Thank you so much for giving my story a chance . It means a lot . I hope you all will love it . Before starting I wanna clarify few things :

1. English is my Second Language. So please forgive me in advance for any type of grammatical mistake . If you find any please let me know .

2. This is a interracial couple's story.

3. It's a Slow burn. I promise it's just slow and it will not crawl 😭

4. If you like cute romantic stories . This one is for you !!

5. I wanna warn you , I grew up watching Ekta Kapoor's serials , so maybe u can find some cliches in the story 😂😂 So proceed with caution ... just kidding, I will try my best not to do that 🤪

6. My ml is not your usual rude and arrogant ml. Tbh I am tired of them . Hopefully you will love Sameer as much as I do . And yes I love my Izzy too . But Lil biased towards him 🤭🫶


Grumpy fl X Sunshine ml



Author's pov

In the heart of London, where the chill of winter had settled in, Isabel found herself standing in front of her boyfriend, Jake, with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing - the man she loved and trusted was intertwined with another woman in a way that left no room for doubt. Prachi, her longtime friend, had always harbored suspicions about Jake's fidelity, but Isabel had dismissed them as baseless jealousy.

The room they stood in was dimly lit by the glow of streetlights filtering through the curtains, casting long shadows across the scene of the betrayal. Isabel's heart raced as she struggled to process the sight before her. Her hands trembled as she clenched them into fists, her knuckles turning white with anger.

"Isabel, I-I can explain," Jake stammered, his voice tinged with guilt as he attempted to reach out to her. But Isabel recoiled as though his touch burned her skin. The air crackled with tension, the only sound in the room the soft sobs that escaped Isabel's lips.

Prachi stood in the doorway, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and vindication. She had warned Isabel about Jake, had seen the signs of his infidelity long before Isabel ever did. And now, the truth lay bare before them, like an open wound that refused to heal.

"Explain?" Isabel's voice was laced with misery , her gaze flickering between Jake and the woman he had been with. "What could you possibly say that would justify this betrayal? You know what ! Leave it. I don't want to talk to you at all" Her tone was filled with a raw pain that cut through the silence like a knife.

Jake's face paled under Isabel's accusing stare, his shoulders sagging in defeat. He knew there was no way to talk his way out of this, no excuse that could erase the hurt he had caused. And so, he remained silent, his eyes downcast in shame.

Without another word, Isabel turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, her footsteps echoing down the empty hallway like a heartbeat in the night. Prachi hesitated for a moment, torn between following her friend and confronting Jake further. But in the end, loyalty won and she hurried after Isabel, her steps were quick and determined.

The winter streets of London were deserted, the icy wind cutting through their thin coats like a knife. Isabel walked ahead, her pace brisk and purposeful, as if trying to outrun the pain that threatened to engulf her. Prachi caught up with her, her breath coming out in white puffs against the cold night air.

"Isabel, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to be right about him," Prachi spoke softly, her voice heavy with regret.

Isabel stopped in her tracks, her shoulders heaving with suppressed sobs. She turned to face Prachi, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "You were right, Prachi. You saw what I couldn't, what I refused to see. And now... now I don't know how to go on from here."

Isabel's tear-streaked face glistened under the soft glow of the streetlights, her breath forming misty clouds in the chilly air. The bitter winter wind cut through her, echoing the sharp pain in her heart. She stood on the rain-soaked streets, a whirlwind of emotions were raging within her as she struggled to make sense of the betrayal by her boyfriend.

Prachi, her loyal best friend, stood by her side, her presence as a comforting anchor in the storm of Isabel's emotions. Despite the bustling city around them, the two friends were enveloped in a bubble of their own, the sounds of cars and chatter were fading into the background as Isabel's sobs filled the air.

"Why would he do this to me, Prachi?" Isabel's voice cracked with emotion, her words were a mix of anguish and disbelief.

Prachi's eyes held a mixture of empathy and concern as she gently squeezed Isabel's hand. "I know it hurts, Izzy. But you are worth so much more than someone who would betray your trust like this. You deserve better."

The distant sound of Big Ben chimed through the night, a reminder of the passing hours and the inevitable forward march of time. But for Isabel, time seemed to stand still as she grappled with the shattered pieces of her heart.

Isabel's tears seemed to froze on her cheeks, her heartache etched in every line of her face. But the quiet strength of Prachi's presence offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her.

"Let's get you home, Izzy" Prachi suggested gently, her voice a soothing balm to Isabel's raw emotions. "You need to take care of yourself now."

Nodding silently, Isabel allowed herself to be led away from the alleyway where her world had shattered, the remnants of her shattered love left behind in the cold rain-soaked streets.

As they made their way through London's bustling streets, the city seemed to come alive around them, the buzz of life and energy a sharp contrast to the heaviness in Isabel's heart. The warm glow of shop windows and the distant hum of laughter from nearby pubs painted a picture of a world moving forward, even as Isabel felt stuck in the past.

The journey home was a quiet one, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between the two friends. But as they reached Isabel's doorstep, Prachi turned to her, her eyes full of unwavering support.

"You are not alone, Isabel. I'll be here for you, no matter what," Prachi's words were a lifeline in the darkness, a promise of friendship and solidarity that cut through the pain of betrayal.

As Isabel stepped inside, the warmth of her apartment enveloped her, a stark contrast to the cold emptiness of her heart. And as she sank into the comfort of her bed, the tears that had felt endless finally began to ebb, replaced by a glimmer of hope for a tomorrow that held the promise of healing and renewal.

So that's it for this chapter . I know it was heartbreaking 💔 but don't you worry , our girl is super strong. She will get through this ... Till then you tell me what do you think of this chapter.

After so long, I am writing so I am quite nervous. I hope you all will like it . If you do then please vote and comment, it helps a lot 🩷🩷

I will see you all soon with chapter 1 . Till then Goodbye and take care ✨🤍

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