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Saturday night came around, and I had a text from an unknown number. I opened it to see that it was Ameila asking if we were still hanging out this weekend.

As I was walking down the hallway, I heard Kate say my name and I stopped to turn towards her. She looked me over before crossing her arms. "Where are you going?"




She slowly nods before smiling. "You look cute. Your eye still looks bad... have you been taking your meds?"

"Yes." I nodded. "And just cause I look cute or whatever, doesn't mean I'm trying to impress. We're just hanging out as friends. I'm not into dating."


"Probably not."


I shrugged as I looked at her. "Amaya was the best... why look for anyone else?" I said, making her slightly smile at me.

Another text from Amelia came through, and I told Kate bye as I walked towards the door. She yelled before I walked out, telling me she loves me and to be careful.

When I walked out, I saw Alina's car parked in the driveway. The driver door opened when I was approaching it, and Amelia stepped out before walking over to the passenger side.

When she opened the door, I stopped and stared at her for a moment. "I could have done that." I said, making her smile as I got in.

When we left the driveway, I kept looking out the window the whole time. I glanced a few times at Amelia but didn't linger because my head was in a swivel at the moment.

Earlier, I was debating whether I wanted to go out with her tonight because a part of me was screaming at me for even considering it. I thought about Amaya the whole time, but knew we were just going as friends and nothing more.

The ride to wherever was a little silent, but when I glanced over at Amelia, she was looking at the road. I let my eyes wander down her arm and noticed both hands on the wheel and how unrelaxed she was.

"You want me to drive?" I ask, making her look at me for a moment.

"No, why?"

"You look uncomfortable."

She smiled as her eyes never left the road. "I'm trying to get used to driving."

"How long has it been since you drove? You said you were twenty-nine."

"It's been a while." She chuckled.

"Any reason why?"

She never said anything after that, besides shrugging, so I left it alone.

"So, where are we going?" I asked after a few moments.

"Thought we could go out to eat, then look around." She looked over at me.

"Fine with me. I'm not hungry though." I said, looking out the window.

It was silent for a moment, until I heard my name being said and it made me look over at Amelia.


"Why do you say my name like that?"

"Like what?"

I didn't want to say that she sounded like Amaya sometimes, but I hear her voice when she says my name. I didn't know if I was imagining it, so I didn't want to say anything.

"Nothing." I said, leaning back into the seat.

We arrived at this restaurant, then got out after parking. I walked with Amelia to the front door, then walked inside where it was extremely crowded.

Reincarnated Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now